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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Nope this is exactly what you said: "NOT ONE of the ships was leving to africa from ukraine , they went mostly to eu and china and turkey."
  2. No your mistake was comparing Russian State controlled media that promotes conspiracy theories such as the "United States is training migratory birds to migrate from Ukraine to Russia and distribute bacteriological weapons" With the rest of the worlds press including the UN that reports without restrictions
  3. Try harder....................... The first ship carrying grain from Ukraine for people in the hungriest parts of the world has docked at Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa, as areas of east Africa are badly affected by deadly drought and conflict. Food security experts say it is a drop in the bucket for the vast needs in the worst-hit countries of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, the country to which the shipment is going. But the flow of Ukrainian grain to other hungry parts of the world is expected to continue, with another ship leaving on Tuesday for Yemen. The UN World Food Programme has said it was working on multiple ships.
  4. What makes you think I'm over taken with terror when reading TASS or even RT? I actually find Margarita Simonyan head or RT news quite amusing when she goes into one of her rants much like this one: "for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow."
  5. At the top of this document it says: Unauthorized posting of this publication online is prohibited. Should you really be sharing this information on US military publications or is that just part of your desperate attempt at serving as one of the Putin apologists?
  6. I guess you must know they will win when they have to resort to buying artillery/shells from N Korea and drones from Iran after the expected 1 week invasion has extended to over 6 months and are now losing ground rapidly.
  7. Pure Russian propaganda. I somehow doubt they are willing to share the truth on the despicable war crimes they've committed, the rapes, torture and murders of the Ukraine civilians and children.
  8. Since when did TASS become a credible source of news? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/russian-news-agency-tass/
  9. From 2 months ago.................Putin talking out his backside.............???? Vladimir Putin has issued one of his most ominous warnings yet, claiming Moscow has barely started its campaign in Ukraine and daring the west to try to defeat it on the battlefield. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/08/putin-claims-russia-has-barely-started-campaign-in-ukraine-dares-west-to-fight-on-battlefield
  10. Crowd sings 'God Save the King' as Charles returns to Buckingham Palace
  11. Don't feed the trolls, they have no wish to show respect and the more we reply the more they will derail it.
  12. He'll get a freshly laundered set of clothes daily soon and be forced to take a shower daily.....????
  13. Its really happening.....Slava Ukraine!! Zelenskyy would not go into detail on which villages Ukrainian forces have recaptured, but on Wednesday, social media posts surfaced suggesting the occupied town of Balakliya had been encircled and possibly retaken. Balakliya has been liberated. Amazing footage of the welcome that Ukraine troops receive from the locals
  14. DOJ will appeal judge's decision to grant Trump's special master request to review seized docs The DOJ said in Thursday's court papers that if Cannon doesn't grant a stay by Sept. 15, they will "intend to seek relief from the Eleventh Circuit." Trump "does not and could not assert that he owns or has any possessory interest in classified records" prosecutors wrote in a 21-page motion. The DOJ is not seeking a stay on the handover of non-classified documents to an appointed special master but said that if Cannon doesn't grant their stay it "will cause the most immediate and serious harms to the government and the public." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/doj-appeal-judges-decision-grant-trumps-special-master/story?id=89535075
  15. SAP's - special-access programs Source WAPO Some of the seized documents detail top-secret U.S. operations so closely guarded that many senior national security officials are kept in the dark about them. Only the president, some members of his Cabinet or a near-Cabinet-level official could authorize other government officials to know details of these special-access programs Source WIRED Interestingly, for the purposes of the Mar-a-Lago search, SAPs can also protect nuclear research and development as well as the highly secret and protected presidential and military NC2 communication systems, which are known by their own special clearance, YANKEE WHITE.
  16. Probably more comedy gold, released and distributed by Breitbart......lol Known for their Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy and Failed Fact Checks
  17. Don't miss Myanmar in this new axis of evil you mentioned, Putin met with their leader yesterday in Russia and hailed the positive ties they have together ????
  18. Did you view the cctv footage to see why it took longer than an hour? Trump did but he's not released it.
  19. Never heard of any deaths in an International School in Thailand. Besides, medium size International School say 20 mini buses so this would cost: First year 20 x 2,000 Baht set up cost = 40,000 1,500 per month per vehicle thereafter = 360,000 Total: 400,000 Following that a yearly charge of 360,000 They can give some of that to current drivers or employ a dedicated staff just for this roll of checking mini buses. Either way the parents who already pay very high fees would certainly have an issue with this as its already the schools responsibility to ensure the safety of the students.
  20. & regards this investigation this is what Bill Barr thinks of it. William Barr, on Fox, says there’s no legitimate reason for classified docs to be at Mar-a-Lago and doubts Trump declassified “Let me just say, I think the driver on this from the beginning was loads of classified information sitting in Mar-a-Lago. People say this [raid] was unprecedented – well, it’s also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a country club, okay,” Barr said. “And how long is the government going to try to get that back? They jawboned for a year, they were deceived on the voluntary actions taken, they went and got a subpoena, they were deceived on that they feel, and the facts are starting to show that they were being jerked around,” he added. “And so how long, you know, how long do they wait?” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/02/politics/barr-trump-documents-fox/index.html
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