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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. "Enacted in 1978 following President Richard Nixon's resignation, the President Records Act established presidential records are the property of the U.S. government that must be preserved and not the president's private property. During a presidency, the incumbent president has responsibility over the "custody, control and access to presidential records," according to a 2019 report from the Congressional Research Service. But after a presidency, that responsibility moves to the archivist of the U.S., who is required under law to make the former president's documents available to the public "as rapidly and as completely as possible." At the end of an administration, the documents must be turned over to the National Archives." Beside which the warrant statutes were to do with the espionage act, conceal documents in order to obstruct a government investigations, and the federal law that prohibits the unlawful removal of government documents more generally.
  2. Ukraine war: Russia railway station strike kills 22, injures dozens A Russian rocket strike on a Ukrainian train station has killed 22 people, Ukraine says, on the day marking six months since Moscow's invasion began. It says five of the victims of the attack in the eastern town of Chaplyne burnt to death in a vehicle. An 11-year-old boy also was killed. President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the strike in the middle of a UN Security Council meeting. He said about 50 people were injured. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62666188
  3. 1) DOJ obtained three passports (two expired, not one, as Trump said) and alerted Trump lawyers 2) They were recovered by a filter team, which weeds out privileged info. 3) Trump publicized this after DOJ offered them back https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1559324841681063936
  4. Attorney/Client Privilege would indeed be grounds for him to ask for a special master but it was pointed out at the beginning of this thread already that this should have been asked for 2 weeks ago. Regardless now he has asked for it the motion was batted back to him by the judge.
  5. Nobody denied they had them, provide a link to this fake news?
  6. Already covered here: The letter also shows that in the interim, DOJ asked President Joe Biden to authorize NARA to provide the records to investigators despite an effort by Trump to claim executive privilege over the records. Wall indicated she had rejected Trump’s claim because of the significance of the documents to national security. “NARA informed the Department of Justice about that discovery, which prompted the Department to ask the President to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes at issue so that the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community could examine them,” Wall wrote. Biden, according to Wall, then delegated the privilege decision to her, in consultation with the Justice Department. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/23/national-archives-letter-trump-security-00053250
  7. Since when did the FBI deny they had his passports? They were the ones that in fact notified him they had them and they could be collected, he then went onto make accusations after being notified.
  8. Of course this is true, Bangla Road nightlife forms a small part of the tourist industry in Phuket and its surrounding Islands
  9. Did he bring home any boxes of classified documents?
  10. Yea no wonder he's stayed away, bye for now......................lol BREAKING: First Deputy PM Gen Prawit Wongsuwan will serve as caretaker PM after the Constitutional Court ruled 5 against 4 on Weds to suspend Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha from working as PM until they adjudicate whether Prayut has reached his 8 yr limit under charter or not.
  11. If you hope its a success then look out yourself for kids wearing them why ask me? Especially since I live in Phuket. There seems to be more than a photo shoot going on here by the way: "Chadchart said that so far 255 schools had received 56,555 of the smart looking green helmets." "several companies and organisations is providing 126,117 helmets to children in the capital."
  12. Maybe a joke to you but if it saves a few kids lives in Bangkok its all been worth it
  13. Why? You said it yourself, they've been talking about it for many years at least now they are doing something about it........jeez
  14. "And I love it how CNN casually bury this little gem (that makes the mar a lago accusations look as serious as jaywalking." Yet CNN is reporting it and Fox news is not & no, its hardly makes the Trump Mar a Lago documents scandal any less serious, nice try but terrible fail.
  15. Looks like there was too much B.S. in the original motion filed by Trump and his team, the judge needs some actual legal requirements......lol JUST IN: Judge Aileen Cannon responds to Trump lawsuit re: FBI search with a list of more questions for Trump's team about what, precisely, they're asking for. A Trump-appointed judge doesn't know what to make of the former president's lawsuit over the Mar-a-Lago search A day after Donald Trump sued to stop the Justice Department from reviewing records seized at Mar-a-Lago, a federal judge appeared to join other legal experts in their bafflement over what specifically Trump was looking for. Trump's lawsuit was widely scorned by former federal prosecutors and other legal scholars, who said the filing was lacking fundamental elements, such as exhibits, sworn affidavits, or a viewpoint on how a judge should approach the issues raised. In interviews and on social media, legal experts said the lawsuit was more akin to a press release with the way it aired Trump's grievances against the Justice Department and described the former president as the "clear frontrunner" in the 2024 Republican primary. https://sports.yahoo.com/trump-appointed-judge-doesnt-know-210317967.html
  16. THE RNC HAS BEEN BANKROLLING TRUMP'S LEGAL BILLS. IF HE RUNS, THEY'RE CUTTING HIM OFF. The Republican National Committee, which has already paid nearly $2 million to the former president’s legal defense, will reportedly stop if he officially enters the next presidential race, a threat that may keep Trump from announcing before the midterms. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/07/rnc-trump-running-2024-legal-bills
  17. He's well and truly screwed. 700 according to this and that does not include those taken in June or the latest ones seized: Documents recovered at Mar-a-Lago were among government's most classified, letter shows In the letter, posted on a Trump-aligned journalist's website, the National Archives pushed back on Trump's privilege claims. The National Archives found more than 700 pages of classified material — including “special access program materials,” some of the most highly classified secrets in government — in 15 boxes recovered from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in January, according to correspondence between the National Archivist and his legal team. The May 10 letter — posted late Monday on the website of John Solomon, a conservative journalist and one of Trump’s authorized liaisons to the National Archives to review papers from his presidency — showed that NARA and federal investigators had grown increasingly alarmed about potential damage to national security caused by the warehousing of these documents at Mar-a-Lago, as well as by Trump’s resistance to sharing them with the FBI. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/08/23/national-archives-letter-trump-security-00053250
  18. If it happens its a red line for Zelensky: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday said negotiations would be “impossible” with Russia if it holds a trial for captured defenders from Mariupol. “If this despicable show trial takes place, if our people are brought into this scenery in violation of all agreements, all international rules, if there is abuse … this will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible,” Zelensky said on Monday. “Russia will cut itself off from the negotiations,” he continued. “There will be no more conversations. Our state has said everything.” https://thehill.com/policy/international/3610680-zelensky-knocks-russian-plans-to-put-captured-ukrainians-on-trial/
  19. Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Kyiv, Ukraine Event: The Department of State has information that Russia is stepping up efforts to launch strikes against Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and government facilities in the coming days. Russian strikes in Ukraine pose a continued threat to civilians and civilian infrastructure. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to depart Ukraine now using privately available ground transportation options if it is safe to do so. https://ua.usembassy.gov/security-alert-u-s-embassy-kyiv-ukraine-6/
  20. With someone who only hires the best, it took them 2 weeks to think of getting a special master request. Lol
  21. All this motion is doing is ask for a special master but padding that request out with nothing but official Trump PR with no supporting documentation to back it. The court will probably grant it but all this does is delay the inevitable.
  22. Link to the full filing here: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763.1.0.pdf BREAKING: the new Trump court filing with its false recitation of facts (but without submitting any evidence to back them up) will allow DOJ to address all that they did to try to get docs back before having to resort to a SW. And the lies they were told and by whom.
  23. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, Russia is Empire building and carrying out mass war crimes in the process. Freedom Index Russia 19/100 Ukraine 61/100 For relevance UK 93/100 https://freedomhouse.org/explore-the-map?type=fiw&year=2022
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