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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. What conspiracy theory did you post? You've just repeated them yet again. Trump lost the election fair and square, face up to it and stop the conspiracies along with they had it up for him from day 1. I'm not an American nor am I retired but the US has an important part to play in the world and what Trump has done to create this chaos is inexcusable. Gets to something when you try to deflect your argument onto why posters here are as you called it "shilling the democrats" Still you would save a few thousand dollars in your quest if he was elected...........................
  2. Got it, so because you fell asleep and then woke up to a result you were not expecting its rigged.
  3. Only small ones where the author themselves state in the report: "Although cardiovascular events have been reported with the COVID-19 vaccine, causality has yet to be established, because such cardiovascular adverse events are also common among the general public who do not receive the intervention [13]." Yes pre-prints have a purpose, they are given a unique DOI number so they can be cited by anyone including CDC, with the normal caveats, your point being? If a pre-print was published on one of the Thailand based vaccines they have in development I would exercise the exact some caution until peer reviewed by professionals. There are now comments, things move on. However my note on just 10% of pre-prints actually gets published remains very relevant. The study's introduction acknowledges the need for controlled studies in order to say anything conclusive about causality and yet the authors made no attempt to conduct a controlled study.
  4. Perhaps Trump should not have encouraged the 6th Jan attacks on Capitol hill and when he left office took with him highly classified documents, then the US would not be where it is now.
  5. No he was in power and then elected out of power. Thaksin was not elected out of power there was a full scale coup. Do you notice the difference? Don't bother its off topic anyway
  6. The preprint website itself states this should not be regarded as conclusive clinical guidance or be reported in news media as established fact. That said its worth noting for now, to see what the peer reviews say and any amendments made to it before its published if its ever published that is. My personal view on covid vaccines for young people is that it should be down to the parents to decide in light of the vast changes in severity from the variant evolution to the Omicron strains. In Denmark where they have stopped it for under 18's there is still the provision for vaccinating those under 18 who are at high risk or whose parents ask for it. Probably the way to go. Regards this paper however, its important to note the clear disclaimer at the top of the Covid papers section: Anyone ignoring this is being reckless imo The paper has currently had zero official comments by readers on the site and the current average of preprints that are actually then published in peer reviewed journals is just 10%
  7. Well done, saw the signing on TV. A remarkable achievement for the future of not only the US but the world in climate impact reduction. Other countries need to follow the lead.
  8. This is plain wrong, again your not even bothering to read the actual VAERS data and making utterly false claims why do you persist in doing this? About 85-90% of the reports described mild side effects such as fever, arm soreness, or mild irritability https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html
  9. Better look again and this is not the whole tally: https://data.unicef.org/topic/child-survival/covid-19/
  10. We keep agreeing the "report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event." Claims made from articles taking it out of context are misleading at best.
  11. https://aseannow.com/profile/259882-bkk-brian/content/?type=forums_topic_post&change_section=1 Seems readily available to me if you wanted to back up your unsubstantiated claim. Either that or acknowledge your mistake.
  12. Yep agreed, shows just how unreliable the data can be but then it does say so itself if people bothered to actually read it. VAERS allows anyone to submit a report on any possible reaction after the vaccine, and has clear disclaimers that reports may “contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable.” https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-142387100461 The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event. https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/dataguide.html
  13. Cool so long as we know that your claim remains unsubstantiated despite asking for a link. How surprising
  14. This one? Fact check: Reports of adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines are unverified VAERS reports unverified As USA TODAY has previously reported, reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, commonly known as VAERS, are not proof of widespread serious side effects or death due to the COVID-19 vaccines. VAERS reports are unverified, and the CDC says on its website that the database "is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event." If public health officials detect a reporting pattern, they conduct follow-up studies to determine whether a vaccine was to blame. "I can get a COVID vaccine and my dog gets hit by a car – I can make that report and it will show up in the database," Salmon said. "It does not mean that my getting a COVID vaccine caused my dog to get hit by a car." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/01/05/fact-check-1-million-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-events-unverified/9103381002/
  15. Again? Would you like to provide some other examples aside from a laughing emoji that will no doubt follow
  16. In the delta wave they had no choice but to lock some hospitals in Bangkok because they were full, so doctors were forced to treat patients outside waiting on stretchers. Patients were forced to die at home with rescue workers delivering oxygen to them where they could
  17. Not sure how much success this will have but the the fact they've set this up is a positive step
  18. Why did she say something wrong? You said "she was not telling anyone to do anything."
  19. *Deleted post edited out* Sweden had no lockdowns whatsoever: Jul 14, 2565 BE — Swedish Inflation at New High Extends Riksbank's 'Bad Year'. June inflation at 8.5%, far above the central bank's forecast
  20. The comments on the twitter post are interesting, the Trump cult going against her and Fox news....lol
  21. More than implied: You can listen directly to her here in on the vid: https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1559282901367259136
  22. Maybe she needs replacing with one of the die hard cult supporters on this thread?
  23. Ukraine war: Thousands of Jews quit Russia amid fears of persecution Russia is facing the mass migration abroad of large numbers of its Jewish population, with at least one in eight leaving the country since its war with Ukraine began. The Jewish Agency helps Jews around the world move to Israel. It says an astonishing 20,500 of Russia's estimated total of 165,000 Jews have gone since March. Thousands more have moved to other countries. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62564122
  24. "Out of sight, out of mind" Fast-warming, ailing Med Sea may be a sign of things to come From Barcelona to Tel Aviv, scientists say they are witnessing exceptional temperature hikes ranging from 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 Fahrenheit) to 5 degrees Celsius (9 Fahrenheit) above the norm for this time of year. Water temperatures have regularly exceeded 30 C (86 F) on some days. Extreme heat in Europe and other countries around the Mediterranean has grabbed headlines this summer, but the rising sea temperature is largely out of sight and out of mind. https://apnews.com/article/science-middle-east-barcelona-oceans-3d4284afffcea80ace340b32c9de7543
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