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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Even Trump said it was a bad idea for the Republican party: Mr. Trump has told people repeatedly that he believes it will be “bad for Republicans.” The decision, Mr. Trump has told friends and advisers, will anger suburban women, a group who helped tilt the 2020 presidential race to Joseph R. Biden Jr., and will lead to a backlash against Republicans in the November midterm elections. In other conversations, Mr. Trump has told people that measures like the six-week abortion ban in Texas, which allows people to file lawsuits against those who enable abortions beyond that time-frame, are “so stupid,” From the NYT wayback machine so no paywall: https://web.archive.org/web/20220625015504/https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/06/24/us/midterm-primary-elections#trump-roe-wade-republicans
  2. Well it appears every report you link to needs scrutinizing, did you read the actual report, ie the source? I highly doubt it as the toxic Quilliam Foundation is no longer in existence. It closed, its owner having flirtations with Q-Anon conspiracy theories about the US elections and the electoral defeat of Donald Trump. Quilliam published a report claiming that 84 percent of “grooming gang offenders” were Asian. This was later debunked by the Home Office’s own report which I have already linked to. The phrase “grooming gangs” is biased in itself because it has no legal or social scientific meaning so is malleable for any preconceived Islamophobic or racialised narrative. Definition from the UK Gov: "The term 'grooming gangs' can be interpreted in different ways - an online network facilitating the grooming of children, an urban street-based gang, or an organised criminal network where grooming may be a feature, amongst other criminality. This means that data are not readily recoverable and would require a lengthy and detailed examination of individual crime reports to determine number of arrests." “Grooming gang” is not a legal category. Group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE) falls under a range of offences, from rape to conspiracy to incite prostitution. Maajid Nawaz, the chairman of Quilliam was also sacked by LBC radio because of this. How could such an organisation end up falling for the increasingly deranged ramblings of the alt-right, Nawaz’s embrace of its ethos was entirely predictable given that, for most of the past decade, the Quilliam Foundation has been supported by pro-Trump Republican donors through whom it has received some $3 million of ‘dark money’. This is not the first time that Nawaz and Quilliam have flirted with far-right purveyors of xenophobia. Haras Rafiq, Nawaz’s chief executive at Quilliam, has previously worked with the notorious anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney. He was also accused of tweeting 'deranged rubbish' about vaccines by fellow host Iain Dale and was criticised for spreading Covid conspiracy theories. When bad evidence is worse than no evidence: Quilliam’s “grooming gangs” report and its legacy It’s rare to find a publication so flawed and yet so influential as the Quilliam Foundation’s report on “grooming gangs”. The “study” also suffers from a glaring lack of transparency: beyond the vague and essentially meaningless assertion that “extensive data mining methods” were used, virtually nothing is revealed about the data, since the authors neither reveal their methods nor list more than a handful of the cases they analysed, their work can’t be replicated or verified. Such secrecy is odd since the data seems to come from open sources (media reports, most likely)
  3. I did'nt say it was ridiculous that certain states were banning abortion, I clearly said that you claiming womens rights are not affected was ridiculous, comprehend? Clearly written and clearly understood as no rights to abortion read the whole page not just the highlighted section:
  4. Taking away abortion rights is taking away womens rights, that's exactly what the court has done and many states are following up on that. No matter how you want to spin it.
  5. Yea a predictable talking point and quite rightly so, egregious it is not. Its a little more complex than you think. There’s no guarantee that people can get abortions in liberal states, either
  6. Justice Thomas says the Supreme Court should reconsider rulings that protect access to contraception and same-sex marriage as the court overturns Roe v. Wade In a concurring opinion with the Supreme Court's Friday ruling to overturn the precedent set in Roe v. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas said the court should reconsider rulings that protect access to contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, with Justice Samuel Alito penning an opinion in favor of Mississippi in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health. https://www.businessinsider.com/justice-thomas-said-the-court-should-reconsider-rulings-on-same-sex-marriage-2022-6
  7. Outrageous, this will lead to back street abortions and women coming of age today will have less rights then their mothers or grandmothers had. What with the wild west gun laws this has put the US back years.
  8. Russian navy ordered to lay mines at Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, says US The Russian navy has been given orders to lay mines at the ports of Odesa and Ochakiv, and has already mined the Dnieper River, as part of a blockade of Ukrainian grain exports, according to newly declassified US intelligence. US officials also released satellite images showing the damage inflicted by Russian missile strikes earlier this month on Ukraine’s second biggest grain terminal at nearby Mykolaiv, at a time when the interruption of grain exports threatens to trigger a global famine. Sunflower oil storage tanks at Mykolaiv came under attack on Wednesday. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/23/russian-navy-ordered-to-lay-mines-at-ukraines-black-sea-ports-says-us
  9. The report from the Guardian was from the Home Office under the leadership of Boris in 2020. The report from the Independent that James posted refutes your accusations completely and you gave it a like............lol Try again with your political nonsense, this is not about politics as the OP refers to. Its about the police failings in Rotherham only.
  10. Absolute rubbish, all perpetrators should be convicted equally no matter what race or religion, nobody on this thread has said otherwise. Nothing to do with polotics
  11. Wait I didn't read the report? That's a good one, when you claimed it was from the Guardian................lol I read the report and its conclusions, I tend to do that before posting https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/944206/Group-based_CSE_Paper.pdf Not all the abuse cases in Rotherham were from grooming gangs so its all relevant. Besides which my whole point of posting on this thread was to dispute the fact that Asian gangs/perpetrators were not convicted because of the accusations of a poster calling it a leftie woke phenomena and the social services and police were to scared to be called racist. Your report puts that to rest so again, thank you.
  12. So if that report is correct the whole argument that @Loiner has been putting forward saying they are not prosecuted because of the woke lefties and scared of being labeled racists is blown out of the water! Thanks
  13. Shooting the messenger? The report quoted in the Guardian is from the Government Home Office. Better keep separate OP's just that, separate. Analysis: A new Home Office report admits grooming gangs are not a ‘Muslim problem' The study finds no credible evidence for a far-right stereotype that has spread widely in the media
  14. After 2 years and the pandemic now classified as endemic, freedom of choice is now something that we all deserve and have as far as possible. Masks are still needed at my daughters school so I wear one when picking her up, or if I have to go inside a shop but outside now its refreshing not to have to wear one.
  15. Study of England, Scotland and Wales dispels myth of ‘Asian grooming gangs’ popularised by far right The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said. The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), also known as grooming gangs, said there was not enough evidence to conclude that child sexual abuse gangs were disproportionately made up of Asian offenders.
  16. A rape department? Really, even without reading the report a layman would know that police have specialist teams that deal with Child Abuse that of course includes rape. What makes you think that the police favoured prosecuting non asians and where are the stats for that. Because if there was a network of non asians doing the same thing we would know about it right? I've not noticed a post from you yet with facts, just pure speculation
  17. ? What are you talking about? I tend to believe stats from ONS. Do you? I've used them many times on covid related deaths via vaccination status and other paramitors. I tend not to believe anti maskers who quote ONS stats when those stats contain zero information on masking. Perhaps quoting ONS positive rates without taking into consideration all the other paramitors on how masking can effect those numbers or not proves a point to antimaskers promoting their websites and you apparently.
  18. Nope, provide peer reviewed evidence for your claims and I'll be more than happy to read it. 500 word articles from anti maskers don't cut it for me.
  19. Ok the second one which refers to the ONS positive rate data via a comparison with no data on how that was done, carried out with no scientific review process, by one doctor who is the editor of the website smilefree.org An anti mask mandate website would in my view raise conflict of interest, hence my pass
  20. Yet you said you read the book. The graph I was referring to which is the first one you posted is with data from Germany and Sweden, how does ONS have their data? Sigh as much as you want or provide the data
  21. Yes of course you did, then you could scan the relevant parts of data and evidence that backs up the graphs. Your other link from a free thinking Scottish libertarian website claiming they did better than England, via a naturalistic comparison and ends its article with a link to smilefree.com a website outlining the dangers of mask wearing and against mask mandates, I will pass on.
  22. Former US President Donald Trump has hit back at his daughter Ivanka after she distanced herself from his unfounded claims of mass voter fraud. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61767628 In a piece of video evidence shared during Rep. Liz Cheney's opening statement Thursday during the hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, Ivanka Trump, the former president's daughter and his onetime White House adviser, reacted to then-Attorney General William Barr saying that the 2020 election was not stolen. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/09/1104081027/ivanka-trump-said-she-accepted-barrs-conclusion-that-the-2020-election-wasnt-sto
  23. Wrong again Ukraine Sinks Russian Vessel Using Harpoon Missiles: https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/06/23/ukraine-russia-vessel-harpoon/
  24. Satellite and video evidence of the huge quantities of grain being stolen from Ukraine and shipped to Syria.
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