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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. As I said, better off on his Tik Tok account racing his speedboats and singing about not getting enough likes from people https://www.tiktok.com/@nituna1966?lang=en
  2. Thailand has enough hospital beds in case of Omicron surge “Bangkok has up to 11,000 beds available for patients with severe symptoms, 6,000 beds for level 2 patients, and 5,000 beds for level 3 patients.” “From the statistics of Omicron cases in Thailand, 48 per cent are asymptomatic, while 41 per cent have mild symptoms,” Somsak pointed out. “These patients can be treated at isolation centres and will not require hospital beds,” he said. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40010786
  3. After Alpha came Delta which transformed the pandemic into a worse situation than with Alpha. As for the herd immunity narrative with Omicron infecting everyone and leaving the world a better place, thats yet to be proven, its a hope but past evidence is that the milder case you get of covid the less immunity you will have.
  4. Yet their covid deaths keep rising https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa/
  5. Yes difficult to know which ATK is more accurate, the saliva only which are the ones we use or the swab ones. The school my daughter goes to recommends the saliva only but I think that’s for convenience sake for kids testing? I found it very interesting on what Chris Whitty UK Medical officer said in a press briefing a couple of days ago on antigen tests. They need more of the virus present regardless of variant to detect a positive case, the benefit of this is that it also detects that you are at the infectious stage and should be isolating. Whereas the PCR test only requires a tiny amount present to return positive but you may not be infectious. This was the basis for their decisions on self isolation in the UK for ending it with an antigen test and not a PCR. My takeaway on this being that antigen tests have more false negatives but when positive you are certainly infectious and should isolate.
  6. PCR test positive cases, total of 5,775 official new infections. 11 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 1,079 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 6,854 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart (up to 4th Jan) https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  7. You've been reading the wrong reports, cause of illness covid, reason for absence, isolation so they don't bring it back to further spread in patients at hospital. My daughter is a nurse in Newquay, Cornwall and is currently isolating at home due to this.
  8. I wouldn't give him too much credit with that, in another thread he said he only took two AZ because he was forced to for work.
  9. I'd like to avoid Omicron at all costs, just because it effects some people mildly does not mean thats the case for everyone. I've had my Pfizer booster a couple of weeks ago so should now be up to speed on antibody levels, if its going to touch me at least let it happen while they remain that way....lol Interesting comments made by UK's Chief Medical officer in a briefing yesterday. He said that while talking to unvaccinated Omicron patients in hospital he found three main questions they were asking. 1. Is this disease serious enough to be vaccinated against? "well yes clearly you are in hospital" 2. Do the vaccines work? "yes 88% protection is our current estimate, even more for ICU admission" 3. Side effects? "Go through all of those concerns properly but there is misinformation deliberately placed on the internet to scare people" I paraphrased to shorten but 2 min video is on twitter https://twitter.com/DHSCgovuk/status/1478719682567827456
  10. Try quoting my full post and don't take it out of context, it has nothing to do with what Fauci says its to do with the claim by this doctor in the OP which you say is the truth "Dr Manoon believes the Omicron strain will eventually infect everyone, whether they have been vaccinated or not, causing entire populations to achieve herd immunity. He suggests that the variant will operate as a live attenuated vaccine, delivering stronger immunity stimulation than existing COVID vaccines."
  11. If there is a mountain of evidence in the west then it would not be too difficult for you to link to it right? I'll wait on the evidence to support the below "truth" as you call it........... "Dr Manoon believes the Omicron strain will eventually infect everyone, whether they have been vaccinated or not, causing entire populations to achieve herd immunity. He suggests that the variant will operate as a live attenuated vaccine, delivering stronger immunity stimulation than existing COVID vaccines."
  12. Truth out?........these are currently suggestions/beliefs, there is no evidence of this whatsoever yet. No studies have been carried out on this as its impossible to test until much more time has passed. The is only small and I do mean small study from SA with 13 people suggesting that being infected with Omicron could give some protection against delta. However out of those 13 people 11 had also been previously either vaccinated or had previous infections.
  13. Fifth wave of COVID-19 already sweeping through Thailand – Medical Services chief Thailand is facing the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic sooner than anticipated, with the curve of infections on a steep rise and body temperature scanners installed in most offices and public venues not catching asymptomatic cases, said Dr. Somsak Akksilp, director-general of Medical Services today (Wednesday). https://www.thaipbsworld.com/fifth-wave-of-covid-19-already-sweeping-through-thailand-medical-services-chief/
  14. #Omicron variant appeared in results from 20.92% of random tests, taken from Nov 1 to Jan 4, with a total of 2,338 cases spreading across 55 provinces of #Thailand. The 5 provinces with the highest instance of the new variant are Bangkok, Kalasin, Chon Buri, Roi Et & Samut Prakan https://twitter.com/ThaiPBSWorld/status/1478630022470463490
  15. Exactly, it was their model that finally persuaded the UK to stop its ridiculous herd immunity idea and finally put in measures to stop the deaths, although those measures were late in coming.
  16. Lets hope so, I'm also hoping for a SA experience here as an optimistic outlook for the coming wave. Even with this best case scenario though, Thailand can still expect to see its covid deaths increase to over 100 a day again. I just had a look at the Omicron deaths in SA and the lag in deaths no longer exists, they have been increasing steadily with its highest recorded yesterday at 139. Hopefully that will also be the peak and they will now start coming down. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa/
  17. Didnt think it would be long before Dr Yong popped up on facebook again................... Vaccinations, mutations among reasons why Omicron is less potent, says Thai virologist Writing in his Facebook post today (Wednesday), he suggested the following: Although more children are being infected by the Omicron variant, their conditions are not severe and most experience flu-like symptoms or no symptoms at all, unlike older people, whose condition tends to be more serious, depending on age. Since most adults, including the elderly, have been inoculated, their symptoms tend to be less serious. The SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to studies in South Africa, has mutated to the extent that the Omicron variant has become less potent than the Delta variant. From lab studies, the Omicron variant tends to concentrate in the upper respiratory tract, instead of the lungs, resulting to fewer cases of lung infection. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/vaccinations-mutations-among-reasons-why-omicron-is-less-potent-says-thai-virologist/
  18. Whats going on here, numbers are tiny, can't keep blaming public holidays for such low vaccination rates...
  19. They are not deliberately letting it run rampant, just stating what will happen once its over..................
  20. Yes the PCR test must be worrying for people travelling. Listening to Chris Whitty in the UK press briefing yesterday he did touch on this saying that antigen tests are more accurate for finding covid at its infectious stage as they need to work harder and need a lot of the virus to detect it. Whereas the PCR only needs a minute particle to be found as it amplifies it so even though its detected it may not be at the infectious stage, ie you could have already recovered weeks before but you are no longer infectious.
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