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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You don’t appear to have checked the string of this thread where I was referencing the 700 children in the US who have already lost their lives to covid as there was no vaccine available to them. Had there been then those 700 children would still be alive today.
  2. This is not about road traffic accidents or drowning, it’s about preventable needless deaths that are not caused by accident but by a virus that can be neutralized by a tested and safe vaccine. It’s not particularly difficult to understand this concept.
  3. I got a ticket sent to my home address for running a red light in Phuket about 3 months ago, fine 500 baht. It was caught on camera. Something I would never do however the reason I did was because it was early in the morning on the school run with my daughter, lots of traffic. On the road we travel the traffic police direct the traffic at the lights so waved me and all the other cars waiting at the red light to go regardless as he was blocking the other route. When the ticket came it had me plus about 8 other cars all passing through but that was because we were told to by the police..................lol
  4. Well I'll stick to what they say themselves: WHAT WE DO We hold the powerful and corrupt to account, by exposing the systems and networks that enable corruption.
  5. No but they are now fortunately so saving another 700 lives in the US is going to save further loss Not to mention 1000's of children worlwide
  6. Pity they never had vaccines for children at that time. Could have saved the lives of 700 US children
  7. Why me? You're the one so interested in it to be looking at year old stats.
  8. A Bloomberg article nearly a year old, not even halfway through the pademic. Please
  9. Yes agree, its easy to insinuate that there was panic not so easy to back it up.
  10. Prophesies of doom or planning for worst case scenarios, there's two way to look at that. I prefer to have good planning in place. Unfortunately in other countries those Prophesies are worse than thought, such as the US.
  11. Yes its gotten better since early Jan Covid patients occupy one in three ICU beds in NSW as nurse shortages soar One-fifth of nurses absent in high dependency unit of major hospital due to Covid as 4,941 healthcare workers in isolation across NSW Almost all 12,500 hospital beds in NSW could be full during Omicron peak in worst-case scenario
  12. Relative to infections they are less than delta however as I stated when you have the sheer numbers getting infected then hospitals admissions rise quickly with those needing a little more than paracetamol and a throat lozenges. The burden on ICU however seems to remain low which is good news.
  13. Right that's why I responded because you said "hospitalisations are very rare indeed" and in actual fact that is not the case as they've only just had a drop in numbers.
  14. Where are you that a full blown Omicron wave is happening but hospitalizations are rare? If you said ICU and deaths are not going up significantly that I can believe but wherever I've looked in the stats all actual hospitalizations have gone up even to levels over the delta wave due to the sheer number of people being infected.
  15. Thankfully most countries are not seeing this level of deaths due to Omicron: US Covid deaths are now averaging 2,400 per day. 3,000 more lost souls were reported today. The death toll is still rising sharply during the Omicron wave Nearly all these fatalities were preventable @KBAndersen's piece @TheAtlantic provides key insights https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/human-sacrifice-ritual-mass-vaccination/621355/
  16. The UK is 11th in the world, Thailand is 110. This is about Thailand's poor ranking not the UK's
  17. I recommend this website for students to learn a variety of coding languages, not expensive and courses are for beginners to advanced, also free courses for basics https://www.codecademy.com/ https://www.codecademy.com/catalog Used by schools and adults.
  18. Ourworldindata now showing a continued increase, latest data point is the 24th Jan with 11,820 new cases. PCR test positive cases, total of 7,587 official new infections. 19 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 2,205 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 9,792 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 24th Jan https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  19. Yes it is.............. WHAT WE DO We hold the powerful and corrupt to account, by exposing the systems and networks that enable corruption.
  20. You seem to have misconstrued my post, I said Japan also had and continues to have some extreme measures, with Omicron now firmly in-bedded within the community and cases increasing at an unprecedented rate the continued strict closure of borders to foreigners until at least the end of Feb is not in my opinion a good thing at all. What this pandemic after two years have taught us is that border closures when the virus is already ripping through your own country are useless particularly when we now have the Omicron variant and Japan's vaccination rate is high. Its scientifically and logically wrong. As stated the strictest in the G7. As for the internal state border controls and lockdowns in Aus and those saving the lives of as you put it "keeping a few more very old alive a few years longer" I'm not going to even respond to that lame remark when we already know that was a different variant and less vaccination coverage at the time.
  21. Japan had and continues with some pretty extreme measures Nightmare': Workers, students decry Japan virus entry ban The 30-year-old is one of more than 370,000 people left in limbo by Japan's coronavirus border rules, which bar almost all new arrivals and are the strictest in the G7. Even as other countries with tough virus restrictions like Australia reopen, Japan still bans tourists and business visitors as well as new foreign workers, students and their dependents. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220125-nightmare-workers-students-decry-japan-virus-entry-ban New entry of foreign nationals As emergency precautionary measure from a preventive perspective, new entry of foreign nationals is suspended. This measure will remain in effect at least until the end of February. https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page4e_001053.html
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