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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Another one slips through the net after red flags by the police yet still buys a high-powered rifle similar to an AR-15 to leave a pile of mutilated bodies in his murder spree. From the link: In April 2019, police were called to his home one week after he reportedly attempted to take his own life. And in September 2019, police were called by a family member who said he had made violent threats to "kill everyone". Officials on Tuesday called for an education campaign to raise awareness of the state's red flag laws, which allow a judge to order that a person deemed dangerous have their weapons seized and be barred from buying more guns.
  2. ???? yea right. Medical purposes only when their out of their heads slumped at home
  3. Here's my take. Puitn's goals were to take Kyiv within a few days, install a puppet regime, demilitarize, denazify, destroy Ukraine's national identity and as he himself put it in his Peter the Great Speech “wasn't taking anything, he was taking it back”, and that ”it is our responsibility also to take back and strengthen”. That’s how he sees his mission - to take back what once was claimed by Russia. It’s a recipe for years of war. Those goals have not been met, his military was a failure, the Ukrainians resolve and bravery to fight for their homes no matter what and in the face of awful war crimes committed on them took him off guard, as did the unity of so many other countries in implementing the sanctions and massive amounts of aid to Ukraine. He may well take a defensive break once Donbas is in his evil grasp but that's not through choice, that because his military is in tatters and needs to regroup and rearm. Ukraine will not be taking a break, they are not going to leave it like Crimea. That war began in 2014 and they weren't able to finish it then. They will finish it now and not leave it to their kids. Putins demands for a peace agreement as far as I know have not changed, as Ukraines have not changed some of which include reparation for the damage done in Ukraine, the handing over of all war criminals, immediate ceasefire with Russian troops withdrawing. There is no easy way to predict how long this is going to take but 4 - 6 weeks is certainly not my estimate. Hopefully by the end of the year so long as all the military aid promised arrives and continues to do so.
  4. A month old video from an even older dinosaur whose predictions are already wrong
  5. Lets also not forget the UK is sending long range M270 launch systems have which have a 50-mile range and can target Russian artillery that has been attacking cities in eastern Ukraine. Putin Has A Problem: U.S. HIMARS Are Rocking Russian Forces In Ukraine Increasingly more videos are popping up showing the Ukrainian military using the HIMARS weapon system to accurately strike Russian positions, both close to the frontline and miles behind it. "because it is such a precise, longer range system, the Ukrainians are able to carefully select targets that will undermine, you know, the effort by Russia in a more systematic way, certainly more than they would be able to do with the shorter range artillery systems,” a U.S. defense official said last week. In a sense, the HIMARS has freed the Ukrainians from really taking the fight to the Russians. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/07/putin-has-a-problem-u-s-himars-are-rocking-russian-forces-in-ukraine/ High cost of Russian gains in Ukraine may limit new advance After more than four months of ferocious fighting, Russia claimed a key victory: full control over one of the two provinces in Ukraine’s eastern industrial heartland. But Moscow’s seizure of the last major stronghold of Ukrainian resistance in Luhansk province came at a steep price, the critical question now is whether Russia can muster enough strength for a new offensive to complete its capture of the Donbas and make gains elsewhere in Ukraine. Even President Vladimir Putin acknowledged Monday that Russian troops involved in action in Luhansk need to “take some rest and beef up their combat capability.” https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-moscow-government-and-politics-5ef5dae6aa76addea66cc24c460d2877
  6. Bullying is not always with sticks and stones, just because you never saw any directed at them does not mean it does not happen, there is also emotional abuse in many forms, even in the best case senario this can take place as being merely ignored and unsupported by staff or other children, they feel rejected, alone, inferior, and invisible. Unless you where in the shoes of a gay then it would be very difficult to say they were not bullied in some form
  7. I've watched the videos thanks and I've already replied to you regarding that particular sick statement made by Margarita Simonyan. I also see you totally ignored her other ramblings about admitting that for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow. Feel free, no need to waste your time on me I agree but I sure as hell will call you out when you parrot false Russian Propoganda and direct posters to Russian state media which is full of lies and misinformation As for accusing me of being a liar ???? nice try but I provide links to my claims with direct quotes
  8. Yes agreed although the 50 mile or so range is still more than anything Russia has aside from its missiles and the HIMARS have an accuracy of one meter. More needed though only 4 on the field at the moment but many more are on the way: This from a Ukraine official With only 4 HIMARS in action, Russian ammunition depots are burning all over Ukraine. Imagine if we had a hundred of these bad boys.
  9. He may well give another goodwill gesture but it will certainly not be over. He's said that he may give some his troops a rest "President Vladimir Putin of Russia has told the Russian troops who conquered the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) to go and rest." Nothing of course to do with all the Russian ammunition depots that are getting destroyed deep behind Russian lines by the newly arrived long range HIMARS
  10. Turkey lifts objections to Finland and Sweden’s Nato bid NATO members on Tuesday signed the accession protocols for Finland and Sweden to join the military alliance. Both countries submitted their applications in May, breaking longstanding non-aligned stances in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “This is a good day for Finland and Sweden, and a good day for NATO. With 32 nations around the table
  11. ‘Let’s starve them until they agree to be our friends’ Such a pleasant person. And then Russians wonder why no one respects them! Such a lovely joke broadcast to the world. Was she also joking when she said this? VIDEO: Head of RT Margarita Simonyan admits that for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow.
  12. You mean the view from RT News whose owner actively promoted a famine at the St Petersburg Forum with Putin by her side "All our hope is in the famine." "Now the famine will start and they will lift the sanctions and be friends with us, because they will realize that it is impossible not to be friends with us," said Margarita Simonian.
  13. Except it was open and more than 18 shoppers killed by a direct cruise missile strike
  14. #UPDATE The process to ratify Sweden and Finland as the newest members of #NATO was formally launched on Tuesday, the military alliance's chief Jens Stoltenberg said, marking a historic step brought on by Russia's war in #Ukraine
  15. I can see your easily triggered I've been to Nottin Hill Carnival a few times and the last thing on my mind was to wonder why the occasional pride truck was there along with all the others. Everybody enjoying themselves and proud of it
  16. I already said why in my post. No need to repeat yet again just for you
  17. If you want to discuss this why not go to the appropriate thread, post there and I may just respond, after all your already posting there: https://aseannow.com/topic/1264546-uk-to-spend-25-of-gdp-on-defence-by-2030-boris-johnson-announces/
  18. Because they are proud of their sexuality and celebrate the fact now as its recognised in society rather than hidden and being persecuted for it? Straight sex has never been hidden
  19. What narrative would that be? The one that the war started by Russia is illegal, with no regard for the war crimes committed and continue to do so, you mean? Whats its not is getting into a debate about the Welsh and English governments over funding: From your link: “To say the Welsh Government was not consulted on this matter is incorrect – they were consulted and agreed to make a contribution.
  20. No you're right you couldn't put the results here because its sheer propaganda rubbish
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