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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Phuket Opinion: Enough rope PHUKET: If anyone was still looking for evidence that the COVID infection figures provided by some officials in Phuket were not adding up, this past week – not once, but twice – they have had that evidence served to them on a plate. Plenty of suspicions about the veracity of the figures published each day in the daily COVID situation report for Phuket have been abound for a long time, yet this past week those suspicions were confirmed by none other than the official reports themselves. https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-opinion-enough-rope-81516.php
  2. Phuket Opinion: Enough rope PHUKET: If anyone was still looking for evidence that the COVID infection figures provided by some officials in Phuket were not adding up, this past week – not once, but twice – they have had that evidence served to them on a plate. Plenty of suspicions about the veracity of the figures published each day in the daily COVID situation report for Phuket have been abound for a long time, yet this past week those suspicions were confirmed by none other than the official reports themselves. The numbers just aren’t adding up, and yet it is not surprising anyone. All this harks back to “Patient 26” last year, for those Phuket readers who remember. https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-opinion-enough-rope-81516.php
  3. PCR test positive cases, total of 12,353 official new infections, with 532 of those from prison and 11,821 from the community. 125 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 1,759 bringing the unofficial total to 14,112 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average (up to 24th Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  4. It was already clarified by the US, they sent the paperwork over a month ago, so this must be an explanation of the sheer incompetence of Thai officials to chase it up. Better than Anutins previous explanation that it was fake news I suppose. Lets hope this won't be the last free donation by the US as a result of this.
  5. The WHO is currently not recommending boosters because of vaccine inequality throughout the world, ie the available supply. Thailand regardless is doing this. Nothing whatsoever to do with WHO's advice on the method of vaccination as per the manufacturer. WHO's advice on actual administering the vaccines which is what this is actually about, you know, the topic of the thread, is for it to be given intramuscularly. As is the advice from AZ after its extensive trials throughout the world
  6. Lets hope Thailand is following the US Embassy on twitter....555 Thailand will get 1 million doses of vaccine soon, says US Embassy The US Embassy in Bangkok posted on Twitter on Saturday that the US will donate an additional 1 million doses of safe and effective vaccines to Thailand. The embassy added that the US and Thailand are working in close coordination to complete all necessary documentation. They look forward to the second shipment of vaccines to Thailand as soon as possible. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006645
  7. So whats your point? Those vaccines now need boosters as they've waned, the boosters are not being administered the way not only the manufacturer recommends but also WHO
  8. Tough for young kids when it touches them like that, my daughter here is a little older at 13 and she had a friend at school get it a few months back, as a result was sent to a dormitory type field hospital here in Phuket, the last thing she wants is to experience the same. So she has no problem taking the vaccine. No idea but at my daughters school (International) we got an email last week asking whether we wanted her to have the Pfizer jab as they commence between the 4th and 11th Oct for first jab, 4 weeks later the second.
  9. List of students opting for Pfizer vaccine to be ready on Sunday Schools will finalise the list of students who opt for the Pfizer vaccine on Sunday to send it to the Ministry of Education. Schools must collect the full name, ID card number, date of birth, and consent for Pfizer vaccination, Education Minister Trinuch Thienthong said on Friday. Schools must send information to provincial education offices on Sunday. Provincial education offices will prepare the provincial list to send to the Bureau of Integrated Education Affairs on Tuesday. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006643
  10. Update article published just now: Phuket begins new vaccine injection method PHUKET: Medical staff at the Indoor Sports Stadium at Saphan Hin yesterday (sept 24) began administering third-dose ‘booster’ injections using the subdermal method, injecting the vaccine just under the skin, instead of the intramuscular method, injecting the vaccine into muscle, as used previously. Those who received subcutaneous vaccination had an average immune response of 17,662.3 AU/ml and those who received conventional vaccination had an average immune response of 17,214.1 AU/m. 840 AU/ml). The side effects of subcutaneous vaccinations were less common than with conventional injections, such as fever or headache, the researchers noted. “The subcutaneous injection causes more irritation and redness at the injected area, it is not worrying,” Dr Withita said. https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-begins-new-vaccine-injection-method-81511.php Article from the 15th Sept announcing results of study: Dr Withita explained, “In this research, we had 242 participants who were 18-60 years old and we divided them into two groups. For the first group, of 120 participants, we injected 0.5ml of vaccine into their muscle [Intramuscular], which is normal for COVID-19 vaccine injection. “For another 122 participants, we injected 0.1ml of vaccine under their skin [subcutaneous],” she said. “The study found that participants who received the subcutaneous injection with 0.1ml of vaccine developed a slightly higher rate of immunity than the other group of participants,” Dr Withita explained. https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-study-confirms-subdermal-injections-using-less-vaccine-more-effective-as-boost-jabs-81413.php
  11. The overriding factor here is that there is absolutely no need to try this experiment, they did over a million jabs yesterday through traditional means, why on earth go down an unproven route that has not had any large scale trials and is advised against by AZ and WHO. No other country is in the world is using this method that I know of, not even there African continent where vaccines are really scarce, its foolhardy with no peer reviewed evidence that it will work.
  12. Should have sent it via TikTok, Anutin's good at that, likes to sing occasionally on there https://www.tiktok.com/@nituna1966?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1
  13. Phuket is using subcutaneous injections: "The subcutaneous, or under-the-skin injection is method used in this latest campaign, replaces vaccination into muscle, with only 10-15 minutes of observation needed following the jab, instead of the previous 30 minutes, as acute side effects, such as low temperature, exhaustion, and headaches are less likely than in the conventional method, with an equivalent immunity boost, based on scientific research, The subcutaneous injection will allow doctors to administer approximately four times more shots of vaccine than in the conventional method, speeding up the prevention of the Delta variant,Dr. Withita says." The study you quote is using Intradermal injections and fractional dose regimen of the Moderna vaccine which has a far higher dose than any other vaccine.
  14. Good just so its clear that this is being done against the manufactures recommendations and against international scientific evidence on covid vaccine administration.
  15. "The manufacturers advise that the vaccine should not be injected intravascularly, subcutaneously or intradermally"
  16. If this is what happens when you target 1 million jabs in a day then forget it and do it properly.
  17. No they are not being totally neglected just not prioritized, ie the most neglected, being the highest at risk group then Thailand could and should have done far far better, total neglect on vaccination priority which is still occurring today.
  18. The WHO Thailand stats that are shown are taken as they should be taken, the percentage of each population category and as you can see the elderly have thus far been the least prioritized of all categories. What is it you do not understand about that?
  19. Your village is one of the lucky ones, although it does seem villages have been taking the priority roll out more responsibly, the stats for Thailand as a whole however is very different, the over 60's have been one of the least vaccinated in all categories. They have not been prioritized as claimed and the general public all ages overtake them by far. As for your comment "allow the young to catch it and spread the virus" sort of destroys all logic and sense. https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  20. PCR test positive cases, total of 11,975 official new infections, with just 92 of those from prison and 11,883 from the community. 127 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 2,370 bringing the unofficial total to 14,343 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average (up to 23rd Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  21. Really, so next year, no other time frame other than that, well no Sh## Sherlock, in the meantime I wouldn't boast too much about delivering those booster shots intravascularly as in Phuket, the manufacturers advise against it as do scientific studies on covid vaccines injected this way.
  22. Video of the chaos in the tweet, awful scenes: So many people turned up at Kantang Hospital in Trang today to get vaccinated that they had to call the police to help hand out queue numbers. Today is Mahidol Day and health officials planned to vaccinate one million people today to honour the Father of Modern Medicine #Thailand https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1441369371062931456
  23. *Deleted post edited out* I am making a statement based on fact as is quoted in the article, simple enough for you now? I'll repeat it again for you: Obviously this does not mean the Sinovac combination: “Where two doses of a vaccine are required for a full course, you will be able to mix two different types of vaccine, for example, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna, have the two vaccinations under two different approved programmes, for example, Australia and Japan, UK and USA, EU and Canada,” the Departments note. At the same time, the Departments have noted that only four vaccines will continue to be accepted as valid proof of immunity against COVID-19, which are Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson and Johnson). https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/uk-now-recognises-eu-nationals-vaccinated-with-2-different-covid-19-doses-as-fully-vaccinated/
  24. Just found this article posted in another thread advising against this method: The manufacturers advise that the vaccine should not be injected intravascularly, subcutaneously or intradermally. Injecting a vaccine into the layer of subcutaneous fat with poor vascularity resulting in slow mobilisation and processing of antigen leading to vaccine failure. The antigen may take longer to reach the circulation after being deposited in fat, delaying presentation to T and B cells that are essential for immune response. In addition, there is a risk that the antigens may be denatured by enzymes if they remain subcutaneously for prolonged period. Subcutaneous injections can lead to localised cellulitis, granuloma formation and abscess. The COVID-19 vaccine has shown to have high efficacy if given correctly intramuscularly. Subcutaneous injection can happen inadvertently, affecting efficacy of vaccination and potentiate local adverse events. It is vital importance to reinforce intramuscular injection training with competency assessment at intervals in order to maximise efficacy and maintain public confidence. https://pmj.bmj.com/content/97/1148/400
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