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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The Thai Tourism Minister: “We’ll reopen Bangkok to vaccinated tourists on Oct 15th!” The Bangkok Governor: “Err, no! We’re not ready yet! You didn’t even ask us!” The TAT: “Welp, guess we won’t make it for Oct 15th. Nov 1st then!” https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1440563961372442633 ????
  2. https://www.roojai.com/en/covid/ Well worth it for piece of mind, I bought from here a few months ago when it was a little cheaper and better benefits but its still worth it now. There's also this one https://rabbit.finance/expats-covid-center/?_ef_transaction_id=undefined
  3. Nonthaburi rolls out COVID-19 vaccine to migrant workers: Thailand’s central province of Nonthaburi has begun to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for migrant workers registered inside the province on Wednesday. Those eligible for the vaccines must be 18 years and above, and were mostly from the neighboring countries of Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. They will receive a cross dose of Sinovac and AstraZeneca. https://www.thaienquirer.com/33043/nonthaburi-rolls-out-covid-19-vaccine-to-migrant-workers-photo-essay/
  4. Thailand had already ordered with AZ in Oct via Siam Bioscience but they did not order enough, see my post...............and article
  5. Great Thailand could have ordered in Nov (5 months earlier than SA) so when do you think it would have reached here?
  6. Sure, but to get to the luxury of waiting you have to order first which they did not in time as per the article I posted
  7. Thailand never got the chance to learn....................it never ordered in the first place so whether they would be late in delivery or not like Siam Bioscience is irrelevant and hypothetical, some countries they were late some not. By the way Australia and Japan are not Thailand
  8. Drop in Bangkok cases spurs BMA to reconsider community isolation centres The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) will next week see which of the city’s 61 community isolation centres should be kept open now that the number of new Covid-19 cases has dropped significantly. At the meeting, it was decided that adjustments will be made based on the number of patients. For instance, only a few staff will be kept at centres with no patients, so they can be at hand in case there is a new eruption of infections. Meanwhile, isolation centres in schools may be closed to prepare for the return of students. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006499
  9. People in Phuket are trying to learn to live with it but are being stopped from doing so by all the businesses and schools that are still closed because of the measures in place, along with the ridiculous sandbox restrictions for arriving tourists. If you're going to declare its endemic then also declare how we are going to live with it?
  10. Public Health Officials in Nakhon Ratchasima are ordering widespread testing for Covid after a market cluster led to 400 infections. https://twitter.com/ThaiEnquirer/status/1440550635410112518
  11. In December 2020, the Indian government offered to sell Thailand at least 1 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines at cost. It had recently emerged that both Pfizer and Moderna asked the FDA to review their vaccines as early as late 2020. According to local media reports, Pfizer also offered to sell their jabs to the Ministry of Public Health in November of last year. The decision to basically rely on an unproven company in Siam Bioscience to produce vaccines has been criticized from all corners including by Siam Bioscience spokeswoman Nualphan Lamsam who said that relying on “one horse” by the government was a bad decision.
  12. From the article link: The official also defended the MOPH’s controversial Sinovac + Astrazeneca cocktail which has been criticized by the public. “The science is in, the mixing of the vaccines boost effectiveness. All this criticism is just political and it is costing us lives because people become apprehensive to get jabbed.” They've yet to tell WHO about the science in mixing Sinovac with AZ as they've not received it, they've only got evidence of safety and effectiveness for mixing AZ with one of the mrna vaccines brands.
  13. So long as teachers and parents vaccinated then sure. There will be a large spike as a result, just like other countries that opened schools but that needs to be pre planned and managed, they've got all the evidence in front of them to have in place the necessary measures to cope. With 12 - 17 year olds now on the plan to get vaccinated it will help.
  14. To put that into perspective, hospital admissions have flatlined since 1st Sept while all other categories have decreased https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  15. More details Phuket marks 254 new COVID cases, two more deaths
  16. I don't understand this statistic, hospital admissions are going up and have been steadily since 1st Sept. On 1st Sept there were 24,161 admitted daily On 22nd Sept there were 41,088 admitted daily While everything else, critical care, those on ventilators etc are on the way down, not sure why this should be increasing https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  17. New COVID Cases Won’t Drop Further BANGKOK, Sept 22 (TNA) – The number of new daily COVID-19 cases will not fall further for the time being because of the resumption of business and activities, according to Dr. Kiatiphum Wongrajit, permanent secretary for public health. New cases were likely to remain at about 10,000 a day and would not drop further because some disease control measures were lifted to support economy and workers, he said. People must continue to seriously protect themselves from COVID-19 and co-exist with the disease, Dr. Kiatiphum said. https://tna.mcot.net/english-news-785457
  18. PCR test positive cases, total of 11,252 official new infections, with just 28 of those from prison and 11,224 from the community. 141 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 2,062 bringing the unofficial total to 13,314 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average (up to 20th Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  19. No decision on State of Emergency yet, CCSA may remain – Deputy Government SpokespersonThere has yet to be a decision on whether to extend Thailand’s nationwide State of Emergency, set to expire on September 30th, or whether the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) will remain, Deputy Government Spokesperson Rachada Dhnadirek told Thai PBS World on Tuesday.Dr. Rachada’s confirmation followed a Government House press conference earlier today (Tuesday) about amendments approved by the cabinet to the Communicable Diseases Act, which have led some local media to report that the frequently extended State of Emergency, in place since March 2020 to curb the spread of COVID-19, will end on September 30th. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/no-decision-on-state-of-emergency-yet-ccsa-may-remain-deputy-government-spokesperson/
  20. You can get the same statistics updated daily here https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
  21. What difference does that make, then it would be who had administered the most vaccines per million people, it’s not about that, it’s about which countries have achieved the most so far in terms of vaccinating a percentage of their population regardless of how large or small it is.
  22. Agreed, all these knee jerk reactions and conflicting statements on opening, be adults about it and stop setting yourselves up to fail. Get a realistic date and stick to it, job done.
  23. Oooops not approved by Thailand’s FDA yet but still being administered Stop giving Sinopharm to under-18s, doctors’ group saysA doctors’ group urged agencies to hold off from giving the Sinopharm vaccine against Covid-19 to children, as it has not yet gained emergency approval for people under 18 from the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Opposition MPs also voiced concern.“Children are not lab rats,” the Health Personnel Association (ภาคีบุคลากรสาธารณสุข) wrote on its Facebook page Monday, saying it “objects to the research that looks to provide Sinopharm to children.” The statement recommended Pfizer instead for children.The Chulabhorn Royal Academy (CRA) this week started to give Sinopharm shots to 2,000 students age 10-17 as part of their latest trial with a target of 108,000 students. The trial was approved by its research ethics committee. https://www.thaienquirer.com/32993/stop-giving-sinopharm-to-under-18s-doctors-group-says/
  24. Vajira Hospital administers Pfizer to 12-18 year-old with 7 underlying conditions:Vajira Hospital on Tuesday offered the Pfizer vaccines for teenagers aged between 12-18 years old with 7 underlying conditions.The hospital was able to roll out 1,500 jabs on the day, with 800 people receiving their first doses and 700 receiving their second doses.Bangkok governor Asawin Kwanmuang was also present in overseeing the vaccine roll-out at the hospital, which is located in Samsen Road, Dusit District in Bangkok. https://www.thaienquirer.com/32979/vajira-hospital-administers-pfizer-to-12-18-year-old-with-7-underlying-conditions-photo-essay/
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