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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. When the "vast majority of people" have been vaccinated then its possible to make such as statement. Until then its incredibly dangerous and reckless false misinformation. As for the poster who shared his personal experience from "actually living in Thailand" for 26 years and provided some useful insight into a local situation. The fact that both parents have AIDS and a CD count of just 50 and so an already compromised immune system could indeed be called stressful for them and others who may feel empathy. These are a high risk category for developing serious complications with covid.
  2. The US does count rapid tests as official as does the UK. Nevada among last states to add rapid tests to virus tally
  3. Yes I mentioned that: "If they take a home test then they just phone the local number to make it official, they get a food allowance that way to help and also home medication." The authorities will only place you in a field hospital if its not possible to isolate at home or at a community center, or of course a real hospital if you have serious symptoms.
  4. I just mentioned that in another thread, its the ones who don't report that you need to worry about although you cant blame them. As I understand it though, if a Thai takes a home test to find it positive then its worthwhile reporting it to get a food allowance and home medication if they are not suffering severe symptoms.
  5. ? Strange comment, of course they report it otherwise it wouldn't be in the official stats. Its the ones who don't report it that is the worry. How they report it depends on how they had an ATK test taken, if it was done through pro active measures then those taking the test such as the Rural Doctors Society will log it as an official result. If they take a home test then they just phone the local number to make it official, they get a food allowance that way to help and also home medication.
  6. My understanding is the Thai Rural Doctors Society who themselves carried out mass testing in Bangkok with ATK's know what they're talking about. Its also my understanding that they are only pcr tested if taken as a hospital admission, they are not pcr tested when positive by atk and go to home isolation, community care center or quarantine. Considering that Thailand classifies its cases as 80% green which means no or slight symptoms these are the ones who remain at home in isolation, community care or quarantine.
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,035 official new infections, with 80 of those from prison and 9,955 from the community. 60 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 2,263 bringing the unofficial total to 12,298 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Last 7 days Ventilator Capacity: 05/10/21 = 701 06/10/21 = 720 07/10/21 = 715 08/10/21 = 682 09/10/21 = 677 10/10/21 = 689 10/10/21 = 680 Rolling 7 day average (up to 9th Oct) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. Sandbox = quarantine. Until a tourist and families can enter Thailand without need to book into an SHA and stay in the same zone then real tourism is dead and the country will continue to suffer the effects. This is now getting beyond ridiculous with face recognition for the app and integration into a command center.
  9. No she was fine, just a bit of a sore arm after but thats expected. Next shot is now due on the 31st Oct
  10. Thai Rural Doctors Society claims COVID-19 infections are rising, not falling The Rural Doctors Society (RDS) has warned Thai people not to lower their guard, noting that COVID-19 infections in Thailand are not declining, as widely misunderstood. On the contrary, are increasing, averaging over 20,000 cases a day. In its Facebook post today (Sunday), the RDS says “please pay attention and be on the alert” as it pointed out at the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has shown two figures for new infections today, from different testing methods – 10,817 cases from RT-PCR tests and 10,055 cases from antigen tests. Actual infections today from the two test results should have been more than 20,000 cases, said the RDS. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thai-rural-doctors-society-claims-covid-19-infections-are-rising-not-falling/
  11. Now also for Samui: Starting from 15 October, fully vaccinated domestic tourists can go to Samui without having to do an ATK test first. Also people who have recovered from Covid-19 less than 90 days before. Exceptions are children under 6 accompanied by parents https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1447186053752782857
  12. Not quite that simple though is it, there isn't just 2 types of people. My mum used to come over regularly every Christmas before covid to visit me and my family here. She's not got a smart phone and even if she did the possibility of her getting incarcerated for two weeks despite having both shots of Pfizer has stopped her. The same with my daughter in the UK who's a nurse, she's love to come over with her children but the restrictions are just not worth the risk.
  13. COVID-19 resurgence in Hua Hin and Chaiyaphum closes market and TAO office The Chatchai market, in Thailand’s resort town of Hua Hin, has been ordered to close for three days from Monday, after 30 people connected to the market were found to be infected with COVID-19. The mayor of Hua Hin, Nopporn Wutthikul, and his team visited the Chatchai market today (Sunday) to inform traders there about the need to close the market. The traders, numbering about 300, did not oppose the decision as several residents have expressed concern about the plan to reopen the resort town to all tourists from November 1st, noting that tourists may be discouraged from visiting if new infections are not curbed. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/covid-19-resurgence-in-hua-hin-and-chaiyaphum-closes-market-and-tao-office/
  14. There'll be a nice uptick in arrivals the week before Christmas with all the students attending international boarding school and all the UNI students returning home for 2 or 3 weeks. Great for totting up the numbers.
  15. Noted todays update in the Thaiger, I don't normally quote their articles as they're usually a second hand source but this is an original piece and show's an interesting graph displaying the numbers of various provinces. Chiang Mai which is due to be one of the Provinces to open on 1st Nov. Cases 1st Oct = 64 Cases 10th Oct = 225 https://thethaiger.com/news/national/sunday-afternoon-covid-19-update-news-and-provincial-totals
  16. Vietnam is the same they do not include their ATK tests although they are being urged to do so. Authorities in Vietnam's biggest city are urging the government to recognise positive rapid tests for COVID-19 to present a clearer picture of its outbreak, state media reported on Monday, a move that could increase the city's case total by 40%.
  17. My 13 year old daughter was given the Pfizer vaccine this morning, second shot on the 31st Oct. Place was full of students from all the international schools in Phuket
  18. Fair estimate, the others will be made up of returning Thai's, expats, those on FIFO and business reasons. However they'll also be included and chucked in with tourist numbers
  19. The more you test the more you find and get the real number of cases in the community
  20. But you missed entirely my main points even if you were correct on your 2.5% which I still don't see. "Besides 2019 is irrelevant to now when the Chinese market is gone for the foreseeable future and Thailand has to rely on other nations. for example in the first month of the Phuket Sandbox UK arrivals were the third highest after the US and returning Thai’s. Prayut himself predicted 500,000 arrivals from the UK, Russia and Nordic countries, this is obviously their current target market. Not that the target figure he mentioned will be met."
  21. I have no idea how many ATK tested end up in a real hospital after a pcr test but the worrying factor is the trend, no matter how much you fudge the numbers that is much harder to fudge and we can see its on a steep incline. In addition the numbers just don't add up, with hospital walk ins at 10,055 of all pcr tested cases and pro active testing via pcr now down to 600+
  22. This has been explained a few times already on these threads. They are only pcr tested if taken as a hospital admission, they are not pcr tested when positive by atk and go to home isolation, community care center or quarantine. in addition the Rural Doctors Society made a public statement saying Thailand is undercounting its official figures by not including atk tests. it’s basically official number fudging
  23. I had a look there yesterday and could not find any metrics to support that figure. Besides 2019 is irrelevant to now when the Chinese market is gone for the foreseeable future and Thailand has to rely on other nations. for example in the first month of the Phuket Sandbox UK arrivals were the third highest after the US and returning Thai’s. Prayut himself predicted 500,000 arrivals from the UK, Russia and Nordic countries, this is obviously their current target market. Not that the target figure he mentioned will be met.
  24. Those being treated in a real hospital rising for the last 6 days: 5th Oct = 36,649 6th Oct = 38,301 7th Oct = 39,982 8th Oct = 41,057 9th Oct = 41,883 10th Oct = 43,299
  25. Huge spike, 20,872 mark counting the unofficial ATK positive tests. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,817 official new infections, with 50 of those from prison and 10,767 from the community. 84 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 10,055 bringing the unofficial total to 20,872 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Last 7 days Ventilator Capacity: 04/10/21 = 719 05/10/21 = 701 06/10/21 = 720 07/10/21 = 715 08/10/21 = 682 09/10/21 = 677 10/10/21 = 689 Rolling 7 day average (up to 8th Oct) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
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