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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Throwing a punch wrong action, lucky you they didn't all pounce on you :o:D best thing just smile say no show empty pockets, ask if they can spare you ten baht for coffee, after awhile they will even look the other way when they see you coming, I tried it and it works just fine with most all Hawkers. :D:D:D

  2. It might be best in the long run to sell it, pay off the loan, and buy another car in your name if you can afford it or use a motor bike until you can afford the car. There are some very good second cars/trucks out there BT300,000 cash it will go in your name, in addition to cash just show passport/visa and vaild driver license and buy the require insurance, you are good to go. Hope things work out for the best with you and the Ms. :D:o

  3. We shopped around for cars and finally decided to go the local route and found an ad in the newspaper. we paid the gentleman the money and got the car in our names legally. about a week later we have now gotten a call from this man's wife telling us that she did not give her husband permission to sell the car and that she was the one who paid for the car, and that essentially her husband is a cheating low life. We have offered to sell it back to her at the same price but the husband has probably already gambled away the money or will not give it back to her as I understand it.

    Should we give the car back to her and eat the loss?

    You say you bought the car legally(got the car in you name legally) so I am guessing the car must have been in his name, in Thailand it can only be in ONE name(like wise in UK) if this is indeed the case the problem is between him and the wife, she need to go after him, having said all that if I were you and there was any further contact from this women I would contact my lawyer. :o:D

  4. WOW!! dude you are kinda UP the creek without a paddle so to speak, with no support from the wife which is NORMAL in this situation, the will side with family, I know, as I know many will concur you have a big problem on hand, may I suggest hang in there to the sake of your daughter. You say she is about 26 days old, so my guess(base on 16 Years plus in the Kingdom) this crazy extended :D:D family of your wife will get bore and :o out in about six weeks or so(about two or three more weeks) in the mean time if you have the mean take your daughter, wife and a relative on short trips for a bit of window shopping or maybe just an afternoon visit with some farangs friends in the area, see how some real Thai people treat their young one. Good Luck. Give an update in ten days or so, my GUESS is :D things will be better. :D:wai:

  5. there was a simliar topic some time ago,. but yes about 8 - 10 K a month, or if you want a ' safe driver ' maybe 20 K

    At 8-10k a month he better be safe, my friend has a driver, his number one rule no Drink on the job, he pay Bt11500 per monthy. A good driver, rode with them to and from Airport and around town. :D:o:D

  6. Zeta at RCA.. (petchburi)

    100% lesbian place

    Thanks pop corn now I know why I got those go away far far away look when I got near the place ONCE!! :D I being somewhat od a hound was checking out three pretty Lassie entering the place. :D:D:o:D

  7. Hi folks,

    I've been playing around with an online house design programme. I guess I can post the link here since it's free to use? (www.floorplanner.com) Sorry mods if I'm wrong about this!

    Anyway... I've had a lot of fun coming up with my house design. My criteria are that it should be designed for coolness (good airflow, ventilated/heat reflective roof, optimum orientation, etc) and not be terribly expensive (certainly below 2 million Baht; I have the land already). I intend to do all of the internal woodwork/fitted cabinets myself and employ builders to do specific jobs, step by step - not to take over the whole project. Shade trees will be planted along the south and western side of the house.

    The overall shape is basically a rectangle (albeit with one corner being an outside terrace) to keep down the construction costs. The house is built on pillars (round ones because I think they look better). Car parking will be under part of the building and there will be a bathroom downstairs directly beneath the main upstairs bathroom.

    It'll probably be about two years before I start to build and I want to use that time to optimise the design. I intend to incirporate passive solar water heating, and other interesting innovations that are not commonly found in Thailand.

    I have shown speakers (including surround) and TVs/stereos as it is important to me to get all of the wiring hidden away. Electrical sockets are not yet shown - just think lots!

    What do you think should be incorporated into the design? What boo boos have I made? What are your opinions on this design? What would you do differently?

    All opinions/ideas greatfully received. Perhaps we can pool all of our best design ideas together? :D

    Here's my design:


    OK, but I for one would lose the Ceiling Fan, I had one to come loose in my home luckily no one was under the thing, :o:D all have been replace with mounted wall fans.

  8. Hi all,

    I am perplexed as to the easiest & most convenient way to marry a thai BF.

    I realise it is not possible in Thailand , and another problem is the thai BF cannot travel to another country.

    Is there any other way to marry other than travel outside thailand ??

    Can you submit doc's by mail or email to another country ??

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Cheers. :D

    HMMMMMMM!! From what I have been reading about the Thai Ladies as of late you might very well be better off with a Thai Guy(?) To each his OWN!! :o:D

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