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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Well, this is a bit depressing! 2 weeks ago, I decided to try to lose some weight and get into better shape. Prior to that I weighed 77 kg, (173cm height) flabby chest, paunch, love handles, cycled a bit, drank beer, eat rice etc etc.

    I have never been a huge eater, but I wanted to bring my weight down to about 70kg.

    I cut out beer, coffee, rice, extra sugar etc etc.

    Started cycling 10km each day (level ground but riding strenously)

    Press-ups, crunches each day, (slowly increasing the number each day).

    My daily food is typically:


    unsweetened muesli with zero-fat yoghurt

    2 boiled eggs

    green tea

    1 slice of toast with thin peanut butter

    1 glass of cranberry juice

    1 bottle of water

    2 bananas


    1 glass of red wine

    1 tuna salad

    Evening meal:

    Grilled fish or chicken with vegetables

    1 bottle of water


    bottles of water, handful of nuts, fresh fruit

    Despite 2 weeks of this, although I feel more 'healthy' and my chest is a little toned up, my weight is still 77.0kg! No sign of any improvement with the paunch (beer gut) and love handles.

    I am enjoying this diet and not missing the previous foods. But can informed individuals advise me if it's normal not to lose any weight at all after 2 weeks? Should I continue with the same regime or make some changes? (to either diet or exercises)?



    Takes a little longer than two weeks, hang in there Simon. You are on the right track, the results will be a bit slow at first but well, very well worthy of the wait. Give us an update at the six weeks point ok. STANDFAST!! no PUN intented :o:D

  2. I figure 100k a month should qualify you for 95% of the women here in Thailand. Try to earn some more.

    Sorry, I don't enter relationships that are based on money.

    Khun Yimmy I understand and believe YOU don't enter a relationship base on MONEY, but I'm :D to say most of them do. Sad My friend but I think this is a fact of life, i.e., if you have no means(money, a job etc) of taking care of her than she might as will find work and be single happy and free, love takes a backseat when it comes to support and physical well being. :o:D

  3. Yes you can get decent Insurance, please check with the folks at The Viriyah Insurance Company, phone:02641 3500-79. They use their little to determine the value of your bike and go from there. I would to check several companies and go with the very best insurance you can afford, I did and man I'm glad I did, that's another story so I will stop it here. Best of luck. Happy riding, maybe I will see you in Pattaya next month for the Annual Bike Show or should I say SHOWOFF! :o:D

  4. Wants, needs and Greed is the key note for your lady and believe it or not quite a few farang's wives, I like other farangs have walked in your shoes, it not easy after done so much for your lady, then getting kick in the face by Greed and her need/wants to get up with her cousins. It will be a shock and pain in the short run, but long term things will be better for you. I guess in the bliss of happiness and joy with the Thai lady many forget the main reason they are with farangs are for a better life, i.e., not easy single 23 year old mom, unskill, nice looking, uneducated with two kids to feed :D but it is a fact. We have four young Thai Ladies in our village just finish four years at a major university and have not been able to find work for the past six months. :o We know what your lady want but what she need is to be happy with what she has got while working with you for what she want. :D

  5. My girlfriend have to children 7 and 11 years old. When i moved down here two years ago i said i would not interfere in how she raised here daugthers. I think it was not right of me to come down here and tell thais how to raise their children. But today i saw something that upsets med and I dont know what to do about it. The oldest daughter came home a little bit late today and i dont know if that was the only reason, but my GF ran out an shoutet at here and hit here hard 4 times. I never se she do this before, but she told me a couple of times before that she had hit the children. This time i was looking at it and felt very bad for the girl. I dont know the reason for what happend because my GF just took here motorbike and drive away and she not come home yet. This upsets me very much and i dont know if i should talk to my GF about it when she come home, ore do as i promised, not interfere in how she raise here children. Maybe its commond that thais hit their children, but were i come from we dont do that. Any advise?

    First of all girls and boys in the Thai family of treat very different, bet she never in a hundred years have hit her son for coming home late, second you are interfering just by being with the mother, third the girls will grow up and without doubt will move on from mom yelling and shouting and hitting, fourth you are lucky they are not boys, boys are treated like the king of the family, we have three kids one girl(23 YEAR OLD) GROWN and GONE, yes I witness the hitting, shouting, yelling, the boys 25 years/28 years old still living off and on with us mom give about anythings they want, a little token attempt to find a job, sleep all day go out drinking all night, help just enough to keep me off their sorry ass, which give mom an excuse to say they are good boys, I ask good for what. Fifth even with the girls you will always be number three. Sixth learn to live and deal with it like all the rest of us that married Thai Ladies with kids, oh yes I know there are many who will log in with their wonderful boy stories, I say good for you all I will trade you any day and maybe kick in a few bahts as a bonus to you. :D:D:o:D

  6. Hi, I will be in Pattaya during the Songkran 'celebrations'.

    What I intend to do is drive up to Korat on the 10th/11th and then back to Pattaya on the 16th/17th.

    What are the main roads like during this period for things like traffic and drunken drivers?

    Driving in the early hours to avoid all this is not a problem to me and I've done this route before so I have no major problems with 'every day' Thai driving.

    What is Korat like for Songkran?


    Driving any part of the day during Songkran you will a lot of company, many drivers will want to get a head start just like you. Best of luck to all stay safe. Traffic will be heavy everywhere, and it goes without saying many many drunk drivers and just plain on BAD drivers on the roads.

  7. I recently came downstairs half awake one morning, walked past my desk, only to be confronted by a reasonably large and agile snake coming down from the top of a tall cabinet just behind where I sit. It then hid underneath. As I'm quite phobic about snakes - it was quite a shock. I woke the wife up, who knowing about my fears, called father in law from next door. In his well meaning way he then proceeded to poke at it with a short stick. Much hissing and attempts by the snake to hide even more ensued. Anyway, a neighbour with some snake experience made a loop on a long pole and an hour later removed and released it across the road into a canefield from where it had probably originated.

    To the point of this post - I have tried to identify it from various websites on snakes in Thailand but without success.

    Description - about 1.5 metres long, as thick as a piece of regular size blue plastic water pipe or maybe larger; black and white small chequered markings all over; a small head, and scared rather than aggressive. It also moved quite quickly. I haven't discounted the idea of it being a young python, but I'm not sure. It was definitely not a cobra. Does anyone have any ideas ? and venomous or non venomous ? We live near Nakhon Sawan, so there are many different varieties of snakes around.

    Best rule of thumb is to consider them all venomous and give them a wide wide BERTH! :o

  8. Yes very common with the ladies of what ever country, My guess they like to play show and tell with their girl friends. I'm Guilty to I take the little bottles of shampoo, hair net, just case I stay some where they are not available, yeah yeah I know what a Cheapo :o:D

  9. I support neither. I for one stay clear of Thai Politics. :D However I do were my Red Shirt on Sunday and Yellow Shirt on Monday, this had to do with a long Thai Tradition and nothing what ever to do with Politic. I do express my opinion privately among farangs friends and very close Thai friends. :o

  10. I think the best advice is to always be honest with them.

    From reports I've heard, they usually give you some warning on arrival, such as "you'd better stay in the US longer on this entry, or surrender your permit abroad the next time you leave". Worst case, you would have to surrender the permit and reapply later (losing some application fees and hassle). Apparently it looks better on your records to have surrendered the permit voluntarily than to ignore warnings and have it seized on a later entry attempt. Has she had any comments or warnings on previous entries to the US? How long has it been since her last entry?

    If you know you will be in Thailand for quite a while longer (years), you might just want to surrender it at the UCSIS office in Bangkok, and apply for a 10 year B visa for her short trips, so you are on good terms and can reapply for residency later when your relocation plans are more certain...

    I think the worst thing you could do is get caught in some silly lie, and then actually endanger your future immigration options.

    Just tell the truth and let the chips fall as they will as the saying goes, for if you tell one lie you need two more to cover it, so forth and on. :o:D

  11. I think the best advice is to always be honest with them.

    From reports I've heard, they usually give you some warning on arrival, such as "you'd better stay in the US longer on this entry, or surrender your permit abroad the next time you leave". Worst case, you would have to surrender the permit and reapply later (losing some application fees and hassle). Apparently it looks better on your records to have surrendered the permit voluntarily than to ignore warnings and have it seized on a later entry attempt. Has she had any comments or warnings on previous entries to the US? How long has it been since her last entry?

    If you know you will be in Thailand for quite a while longer (years), you might just want to surrender it at the UCSIS office in Bangkok, and apply for a 10 year B visa for her short trips, so you are on good terms and can reapply for residency later when your relocation plans are more certain...

    I think the worst thing you could do is get caught in some silly lie, and then actually endanger your future immigration options.

    Just tell the truth and let the chips fall as they will as the saying goes, for if you tell one lie you need two more to cover it, so forth and on. :o:D

  12. I think the best advice is to always be honest with them.

    From reports I've heard, they usually give you some warning on arrival, such as "you'd better stay in the US longer on this entry, or surrender your permit abroad the next time you leave". Worst case, you would have to surrender the permit and reapply later (losing some application fees and hassle). Apparently it looks better on your records to have surrendered the permit voluntarily than to ignore warnings and have it seized on a later entry attempt. Has she had any comments or warnings on previous entries to the US? How long has it been since her last entry?

    If you know you will be in Thailand for quite a while longer (years), you might just want to surrender it at the UCSIS office in Bangkok, and apply for a 10 year B visa for her short trips, so you are on good terms and can reapply for residency later when your relocation plans are more certain...

    I think the worst thing you could do is get caught in some silly lie, and then actually endanger your future immigration options.

    Just tell the truth and let the chips fall as they will as the saying goes, for if you tell one lie you need two more to cover it, so forth and on. :o:D

  13. I was sickend and shocked to see how commercialization is destroying Patong.

    I saw 3 McDonalds in the space of 1 square mile, too many sub ways an irish pub...........the list goes on.

    Why bother even going to patong????? Its horrible

    I don't think it is being destroyed, just wait a bit for the old supply and demand to kick in :o:D . Three McDonalds within a square mile, wish they put one of those bad boys in my area. :D

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