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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Little advice for the Asean big shots: Leave Thailand quickly after the Summit. If you stick around prepare to take cover or get very very WET :o:D:D If you like to you could just stay and watch the fun. A friend has a 2nd cousin that was on an official visit with the Norway Embassy, due to a flight fix up he spent SongKhran 2002 in Thailand. He said most enjoyable some of the best fun ever for him.

  2. Whilst in the main bank in town today, I had to wait 2 hours. I watched 8 "whities" walk in to do their banking. Every single one, however, needed their Thai partners to do the talking. I could understand if they were newcomers but some weren't.

    I'd go crazy if I had to take my wife everywhere - to the bank/garage/barbers/immigration/restaurant etc.

    My wife couldn't speak any English when we got married so there never was any need.

    How about you?

    Speaking for myself, no never had this problem, hope I never will have the need to drag the wife along to speak for me. For me that is one good reason for the retirement visa(over 50/right income level) no need to drag her along each year. Not fluent in speaking Thai by any mean but GOOD enough to hold my own, when deal with the bank, hospital, doctor office, hotel staffer, etc :D:wai::o:D:D:D

  3. You can do it now. From what I was told by the local(s) you can do it up to a month early as is the case with the Thai driving licences now, my five year Thai driving license was duty to expire 31 Jan 09, on 6 Jan 09. :o May I suggest you also check with your :D:D local powers that be. Sometime things can differ from Tambon to Tambon :D

  4. Got my five year Driving Licence renewal Jan 09 pretty much the same routine here, all same documents, no A/C in Bldg(?), long queue, had to take an exam which was fairly easy, for me(50 years behind the wheel of Something or another), I think(my opinion the HIGHLIGHT)the video tape of traffice violations :o in around Bangkok and Thailand in general was most enjoyable, it seem to be somewhat or a BORE to the young crowd but as I understood it was a Mandatory reqirement to get the Licence. :D

  5. You did the right thing from what you have said here, get this pervert out of your van pool. May I suggest you XXXout his face and that of the lady and put it on youtube.com. This will the ladies here in Thailand and around the world a little HEADUPs :D:D on the many perverts that walks among us. This is very common in Japan. :wai: :jerk: :D:D:o:P

  6. Concur, I got one at the our Shopping Center(Plaza) press 3rd floor button, that thing took me all the way to the top floor(8) before it stop, need I say I have never been on that one again, I made a complaint to Management,what happen(?) nothing that I know of. I told an owner of a nearby gold shop what had happen and he walk with me to the lift press 3, step out quickly and sure enough that bad boy went all the way to the 8 floor. :D:o Scary to me.

  7. Saw this report on cable news(CNN), seem one house/home is not very safe/secure at all. Go to there web site:www. lockBump.com It does give some hint on how to better protect your home and love one.

  8. On arrival you might want to check with some of the local Rent a Car Agent, there are many so take your time shop around. In my area once in awhile I need to rent a car, going rate was about Bt900 per day for A Suzuki up to Bt3000 per day for a luxury class vehicle. I found a dealer Thur a teacher friend who was very reasonable and rented me a car, nice Toyota, AC/Auto, for Bt700 per day, you do the math on the monthly rate. There are some good deals on rent a car out there.Good Luck, Enjoy your stay in Thailand( the land of smiles) Drive Careful, be safe. :o:D

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