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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. No matter the closing time for the bars those that want to will find a place to drink till the wee hours of the morning, having said that it might be better to leave the Bars open a bit longer, and the power that be could montior them. :o:D

  2. There are indeed some bad boys running around the land of smiles, in need of money to support their Ya Baa habit, most of our homes are easy targets, some people have turn to guard dogs, windows bars, among other things, all of which have an up and down side. I would suggest don't keep anything of great value in the home i.e., cash(bt10000 and up) Gold Chain/Necklace, if you must do not display it. Case in point the lady four houses from us HAD a ten baht gold chain she always wore, she were spotted by three ya baa heads at a nearby Wat follow home and rob of not only the 10 baht chain but about Bt150,000 in cash plus other valuables. :o:D

  3. Well, I for one can understand why the Doctor needs a Deposit.

    Suppose he orders the Implants and pays for them himself, then for some reason Kaye does not turn up for the operation?

    He would never be able to find another "customer" in Thailand for such large Implants so he would have to take the loss himself.



    Ditto, Exactly, the doctor has my support in this case :o

  4. If you are legally marry to this woman and can prove/show the court you paid for the house/land(your money/transfer from your country, etc) you might have a 50/50 change. You might just, for grins check around for a local Thai Lawyer, who might help you for a small fee, maybe he himself has been take for a ride by a Thai lady, never know, look will only cause you a little time. Good Luck!! STANDFAST!! :o

  5. Yes a lot of foul mouth farangs in the land of smiles, for part I try to give them a wide Berth. I for one am a strong believer in MYOB, however, in the first case with the motorbike Drunk I think you were right on, the fool could have no doubt kill someone. The Parking lot case it MIGHT have been best just to give the Parking Attendant a BIG :o:D for doing her job, me I would have given her a TIP, I often smile and chat for a second or so if Traffic permit. This job can be easy, boring and dangerous all at the same time.

  6. Good for you Wee Jimmy, I have seen many good reports here on TV of good Immigration service around the Kingdom, What up, I wonder? Now if the power that be really want to do the right thing and cut their work load by one third or more due away with this tried old 90 days reporting for farangs that are with Thai wives, Retirement Visa and have been in the Kingdom for 5 or more years on a continuing basic Please, pretty Please :o .

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