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Everything posted by ourmanflint

  1. Yes come 2050 when the line is opened it will indeed increase opportunity in the economy
  2. Definitely this. Russia and Russians in general have shown their true colours. It might not be all of them who are horrid Putin supporting little nazis but it is a fair percentage
  3. In a land with a million guns, why is there a problem with rogue dogs?
  4. This is the cheapest flight I can get for 31/12 which is usually pretty cheap, last year we got Thai air both ways for less! who would do this? Madness And yes that really is a 4 flight journey!
  5. I'm getting a very strong recurrent theme in much of the recent news. A deeply, deeply flawed Police force is the source of a huge proportion of the countries problems. Is any country in the world worse?, and just how many times does the RTP need to be reformed to actually get something that works? To answer my own question, there are 23 other countries with worse Police than Thailand. Police Corruption
  6. Krua Apsorn @Dinso
  7. Why would you want to buy land in the first place? What are you going to be able to do with it?
  8. Chinese tourists are not coming back anytime soon, communism is back big time and Xi will continue to amass power to himself.
  9. tipped off by the drug gangs themselves to distract from the 100 million pills going down the next road along
  10. Exactly! You could always get a fare through middle east for £400 or less, now around £950-1000
  11. Yup, nobody is coming sorry TAT. The same holiday we took last January would cost double now what it did then. Flights are £1000 across the board and the hotels we stayed at are at least double what they were a year ago.
  12. That didn't take long did it?
  13. He seems like a move in right direction, he thinks, that at least is a good thing. And he's not one of those xenophobic Thailand first guys
  14. XBB is old news, BQ 1.1 will be the biggest threat this coming winter. All though do have the possibility to once again overwhelm health systems as more people become ill.
  15. Myanmar and Cambodia voted for, which is a bit of a surprise.
  16. I don't mind it at all, but still very funny. The times they are a changin
  17. Is this an advertorial? How quickly rules have changed on this forum
  18. only cowards and idiots need guns to make them feel safe, Thailand has its fair share of both
  19. Do they ever think of increasing drainage in areas that are prone to flooding?
  20. Just looking to book our annual visit in January and flights are at least 30-40% more expensive than usual and hotels at least 100-150% more expensive than last January. This is going to put off a lot of people and rightly so.
  21. BQ 1.* > Thailand Resolve
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