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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Harsh but the idiot brought it non himself. It went like this apparently

    Yorkshire MEP walks into his auditorium where Woolfe was giving a speech, Yorksghire MEP heckles Woolfe about his decision to defect to Tories 24 hours earlier. Woolfe takes off his jacket and says those immortal words "right you! outside now"

    Yorkshire MEP obliges and decks him. Woolfe goes back to Auditorium but collapses 30 minutes later.



  2. The figures I quoted were for money sent electronically it takes no account of money taken home by immigrants as cash or other. Basically the UK is hemorrhaging money to the rest of the world. Best figures available show migrants take out between 25-37% of all money they earn. Good for them, but not good for UK economy.


  3. Very late to the conversation, but one thing that has always amazed me, is when the government tries to convince everybody that immigrants are a net benefit to the economy.

    This is just one big fat lie. From the report the govt uses to justify itself



    We have no direct source of information on immigrants’ consumption patterns in the UK, and we thus cannot directly test the extent of immigrants’ under-consumption relative to natives. Therefore, we construct an alternative scenario, where we assume that the consumption of recent immigrants (those arrived since 2000) is only 80% that of natives with a similar income10. In practice, this assumption amounts to applying the effective tax rates to 80% of immigrants’ income.


    They estimate immigrants spending "consumption rate" to be 80% of non migrant spending.


    This is pure fantasy. If you look at the figures for remittances from UK, they are nearly £17 billion pounds. That money has never been factored into the calculations.


    The whole thing is just one big con to stop us from getting too teed off

  4. 9 hours ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Since most of them that voted for him were moslems i don't think they regret, with 420 mosques and growing in London that makes for a hell of a lot of moslem supporters

    Not this time. Maybe they had some impact but only 640K muslims in London with popn of 8.6 million. He got in because voted in by Labour voters. Many of whom now are regretting his stance against Jeremy Corbyn and his general egomaniacal demeanour.

  5. 6 hours ago, Yoram said:

    Nothing much change since than, although not on the same scale,

    the world still hate Jews, persecute, harass, mock and kill them if

    just because they are Jews. this world has learned nothing from

    Babi Yar or other places and event in history.



     Absolute b*llocks.


    The world couldn't really care less if you are Jewish or not. The only people that hate Jews are Arab Muslims, but then it seems they have a very good reason for that.

  6. The problem IMO is not that the traffic lights are not programmed properly, it's not even the amount of cars on the road, it is the total and complete lack of respect for rules. When so many vehicles are on the road, one <deleted> causing an obstruction, or delaying traffic has a massive knock on effect, it's like those big domino set-ups each knocking over the next. 

    In a month they could enforce current road law massive campaign to drive within rules and huge fines for idiots disobeying.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    They aren't the best we have, that's a fact, but that's the choice now and it's clear the Hillary Clinton is the much more rational choice than dangerous donald trump. 

    It's unlikely that being rational will come into it. To call Trumps followers "deplorables" is suicide for her. As in the UK, attacking those who do not believe in things the way you do by insinuating they are less intelligent is bourgeoise  arrogance at its very worst, and the people will not respond to it kindly. They will dig their heels in even more, and those wavering will now firmly move over to Trump in their thousands. A big, big, mistake.

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