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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Fair enough. You are not allowed to just show up uninvited in any western country and start working. Try doing this in Australia, you will end up in a detention center and be deported immediately.

    Why should Thailand be any different? Fine them and deport them.

    So international tours are illegal? And anyone leading an international tour must empoy a local guide when they arrive rather than lead the tour themselves?

  2. (With credit to JakeSully post #7:)

    Trump / Hitler comparisons:

    1. Eminent domain to take lands = Lebensraum

    2. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Muslims are the enemy = Jews are the enemy

    3. Waterboarding = Gestapo torture tactics, SS, Wasanee conference

    4. Walls = Atlantic wall, air defense over Germany

    5. Deportation squads = deportation of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps

    6. Anchor babies not being citizens = focus on birthright, blood purity

    7. Take take take for america = annexation of Austria, Sudetenland, Checlosvokia, invasion of Poland, USSR, Western Europe

    8. Denying people entry into country based on religion = Nuremberg laws denying civil liberties to groups based on religion

    9. Killing families of enemies of America = genocide, war crimes by Wehrmacht, SS

    10. Orwellian claims that he "loves" people at same time proposing policies very hostile to these groups. Manipulation of media = Goebels propaganda machine

    Why do people always go back to Hitler when they have nothing else in their verbal armory?

    Trump is and has a lot of strange ideas, but I thought the USA was structured in such a way that a crazy POTUS would still be unable to start WWIII. If the president was free to do whatever he wanted, Obama should have had an easy time and reformed the USA much more than he did, Obama couldn't do a single thing about gun control, yet you think Trump will start ethnic cleansing.

    Sorry matey that just does not add up.

  3. Hmm... I wonder how much money Austria has given Greece since the financial cricis....

    Greece overspent, borrowed more than it could ever pay back, overspent again and had to be bailed out.

    Greece can't patrol its own borders. Nothing to do with Shengen. These are illegal immigrants penetrating Greek borders, not European citizens moving freely within the EU. Greece wants everyone else to bail them out.

    The Southern European countries, and subsequently some of the Eastern ones see the EU as a free hand out club in which they can also off load their problems and responsibilities.

    Well done Austria - don't bow to Greek theatricals and German hypocrisy.

    You have to wonder why Greece can't patrol its own borders though don't you? They have a huge military just sitting on their <deleted> eating Moussaka! Greece could easily solve this problem, but they are using it as a bargaining chip

  4. Almost 2 billion people worldwide idolize pedophiles. Im not talking about a 15yr with a 17yr old. Im talking about fat old man marrying a 6 year old and having his wicked way with her 3 years later. This whole move to normalize pedophilia is quite revolting.

    This sounds like you're saying all Muslim men from certain countries are sex offenders, I wouldn't disagree, but let's be open about it.

  5. With over 1,000 posts I do wonder why you are asking this.

    Easiest visa by far is 800k in a bank account and a retirement visa.

    I have found the best way of living here is

    1. Don't talk about anything other than absolute trivia.

    2. Don't get involved in other people's cr5p.

    3. Accept things are different and don't do the, "in the west blah f9cking blah" advice giving.

    Low profile, be careful who you choose as friends.

    Any never, ever, talk about your finances.

    Just carry on with your plans. There will be no issue unless you feel the absolute need to blab on about, "oh have some important work to get finished". Then the sh1t is already in front of the fan.

    I know, I know, I should know better. Still I would like to find a way to live and work in Thailand legally without worrying. My wifes family are very eager to help any way they can, so will we see. Still a few years away anyway

    The whole Digital Nomad thing is a very interesting area, and this is close to my situation. I will stay be paying tax in the UK or US

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