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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 6 minutes ago, salavan said:

    i hope the brexit voters suffer the most teach them a lesson not to vote for things they know nothing about,

    also cameron should go to jail for giving  idiots the chance to vote about something they know nothing about but he's also run off now couldn't get away fast enouh

    I think they were already suffering and that is why they voted out. 

  2. All over the UK Press this story ... It's amazing how the news in Thailand is being slow about this right now ..

    Thailand speedboat crash: One British woman dead and another injured as packed tourist boat capsizes Boat transporting tourists hit by huge wave as it travels to popular island Koh Samui


    They haven't worked out how to spin it yet.

  3. What with Naz Shah the MP for Bradford East suspended for advocating ethnic cleansing of Israel's entire Jewish population it is plain to see there is an endemic sickness with the British Labour Party, which runs from the top to the grass roots.

    computer fail. sorry please see below

  4. I think he's underselling it. I work in London and the number of Romanians working and living here now is huge, by the end of this year the Romanian population of UK will be 4-5 x bigger than the government predicted back when they opened the gates. The same will happen when the next batch of countries join the EU, but on an even larger scale as the new countries joining are even poorer. If we don't leave the EU we are finished as a country well and truly.

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