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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Buddhist monks in Thailand do seem to behave like the medieval monks of Europe. They put themselves above others in public yet in private they are as debased as any. Becoming a monk is seen as a career move for many just like becoming a police or army officer, it's all about the power and the backhanders.

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  2. I am in the minority that believe that Thailand would still be a popular tourist destination without places like Pattaya and Nana etc. It's really hard to believe for those that came here for sex with poor country girls, but most tourists couldn't care less about such places. I would love to see the government clamp down on the sexpat community, it's time they moved on elsewhere.

    You do realize that Thais are just as fond of the sex-shops right here in their own country. Where do you suppose to move the local population because you don't like 'such places?'

    I was reasonably specific I thought, Nana and Pattaya are not there for the local thai trade and that is a whole other matter. I am not even against it per se, but I am fed up to the back teeth of hearing how so many TV posters think that is the only reason people go to Thailand.

  3. I am in the minority that believe that Thailand would still be a popular tourist destination without places like Pattaya and Nana etc. It's really hard to believe for those that came here for sex with poor country girls, but most tourists couldn't care less about such places. I would love to see the government clamp down on the sexpat community, it's time they moved on elsewhere.

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  4. Conditional pardons wold be fine if those looking to be pardoned actually admitted their crimes and stood up in court to testify about their actions and then ask for the courts forgiveness. Those who committed minor infractions could then be pardoned, but those who committed serious offences should be berated publicly before being given conditional pardons, including being banned from holding any political office for a minimum of 5 years.

  5. If you go to Burma now you will feel how tourists to Thailand felt 20 years ago. Everybody seemed so friendly and everyone smiled and wanted to help. It was nice to be in such a place, tourists were amazed by what they saw and the locals seemed genuinely happy that tourists were interested in their country.

    Fast forward twenty years and nothing is left in Thailand tourist resorts except cynicism, all tourists are seen as cash cows by everyone from the top government to lowliest rice farmer. Tourists feel they are barely tolerated because they have money, and the locals have hardened beyond belief, gone are the open and friendly smiles, and all that is left is greed, greed , greed and more greed.

    That said if you leave all the tourist areas and venture out into the countryside that sense of amazement that could be found everywhere 20 years ago is still there.

  6. There is no reason why Bangkok could not have as good a waste system as London does now. They are about the same size and at same height above sea level, yet Bangkok is still 150 years behind London in dealing with this one simple but fundamental problem. That and putting all cables underground should be part of any major improvement, both of these things are far more important in the long run than vanity projects like new railways etc. Until these two things are done Bangkok will always be some kind of modern slum.

  7. Pattaya must be a real nice place to live. It feels like every other crime story is in Pattaya. Without Pattaya Thailand would be almost crime free it would seem.

    Pattaya attracts criminals, both Thai and foreign. Thai scumbags congregate there to feed on the tourists, while international scumbags go there to hide from the law and have sex with hookers. Without Pattaya there would just be more crime in the rest of the country.

    Good point!

  8. AS I keep saying, there is no point building a railway to Nong Khai if there is nothing to join to in Laos. This is stupid, pie in the sky planning. At least wait until Laos have agreed a deal with China too.

    The Laos part of the project was aproved in 2012 but their lender will not release the money until the Thai side receives their funding. So you see, it is not Thailand who needs to wait for Laos but, actually it is Thailand who are holding the whole project back.

    Any links to support that? My understanding is that the cost will bankrupt Laos.

  9. I wonder if (just for once) those influential people will have their land seized, illegal properties demolished, face a large fine/jail sentence and the civilians who faked the documents face legal action also along with losing their jobs. I doubt it.

    Well fake documents, as long as I know the islands were given to the sea gypsies by either the Queen or the Kings mother (can't remember) so they have a place to stay. I doubt these lands can be sold or have a full title.

    So even the correct documents are weak.

    I was on Koh Bulon recently, compliments of the dad of one of my students who is high up in Dept Conservation and Parks (whatever it's called). There is a resort (only one) on one beach, and a sea gypsy village in the center of the island.

    I got the impression that the resort benefits the sea gypsies greatly as it offers employment plus they supply all veges and seafood to the restaurant.

    Bulon looks like it works for the natives. I don't know who profits from the resort, but in this case, I don't care. I think the resort is actually government, because my student's dad had it opened for us as it had closed for off season (and we paid nothing but had to bring our own food, but could use all facilities, including the kitchen) and he had his staff take us on his boat.

    It's when the self-important, with money to build, take advantage of uneducated peasants that I object.

    I hope this goes all the way to hefty fines or imprisonment.

    (Koh Bulon is out seaward (west) a bit further from Lipe.)

    That was exactly the case on Koh Lipe 20 years ago, one resort and one village. Now look at it!

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  10. Wow! That is amazing progress seeing as it was only 6 years ago when tourist numbers were 14 million, that's a massive 100% increase in 6 years. Not only that, but it has come at a time when the world has been in economic decline. Just imagine how many would have come if the crash in 2008 hadn't happened? We'd have at least 52 million tourists per year no doubt.


  11. As far as can be found on tinterweb, the railway line from China is still a few years away from the Lao border on the chinese side. The Lao railway to Vientiane from the Chinese border is nowhere near agreement, there isn't yet even a decent service road going as far as Vientiane from Luang Namtha, though there is a new Chinese road heading to Chiang Khong. Yet the Thai government is racing ahead to build a railway line to Nong Khai?? The whole thing stinks to be honest and might just prove to be a huge waste of money and time.

  12. Pheu Thai are really just a bunch of squirming maggots, how did such a repulsive group of humans ever get to be in charge of the whole country?

    I think your comment makes you a squirming maggot. But that's just my opinion.

    & they got to run the country because they were elected in a general election.

    Squirming maggots get into power by doing backroom deals in the army barracks.

    If you have anything to offer other than personal insults, please go ahead. Perhaps a long list of verifiable positive actions and good deeds by the members of Pheu Thai? No!? Why then perhaps a defence of why the "honorable" PT member refers to the NLA as right wing extremists? Why so quiet?

    I see.... you're just behaving the way any PT member would.... just sling as much sh*t around and hope it sticks.

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  13. Insurance is just another well organised con job, all except Medical that is. I've found myself on an airplane a couple of times and realised I forgot to get insurance, but came back without needing it luckily. For the past 20 years the only insurance I have ever spent my money on is basic medical insurance that always includes a hefty fly home portion. Saying that in 20 years of travelling I have never had reason to make a claim, so it is tempting to not bother.

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