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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Simply complying with the current laws of the land would be a good start in reducing and sorting out the country's immediate problems.

    The problem is one of education, attitude and culture. Without the rule of law there is no democracy. How can you expect there to be any kind of recognition of the law when the people here break the laws at every twist and turn?

    Democracies in the west evolved within a strong system of law, a system which had been in place for hundreds of years before free elections. This is not happening in many young countries such as Thailand, there is no strong legal system, so there can never be the same kind of movement towards democracy many are hoping for.

    You are absolutely correct to say that " Without the rule of law there is no democracy" I just wish those ranting on here for democracy understood such a simple thing.

    • Like 1
  2. Democracy as we accept it in the west is not the only way. Why should it be? The west wants all countries to be democratic the western way for one reason only, so they can exploit them, rape and pillage their countries for profit and generally stomp around telling them how to do things. Poorer countries do not need that, they need benevolent dictators whose presence negates the western stance. Globalization and the push for democracy in many countries was instigated by Wall st and the benefits of which go directly to Wall St.

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  3. I have been going to the BIG (Bangkok International Gift Fair) fair for quite a few years now, and there are lots of Thai products that are good quality. Some are even original designs from Thai companies, but they are few and far between. Most simply rehash products that were popular 20 years ago when tourists first arrived in significant numbers and haven't changed since. Finding those products outside of the fairs though is a huge challenge.

    • Like 1
  4. I was there in December 1992 and left early because it was way too hot and so many (many handsful of) backpackers. Mistake. And again, after the tsunami, with centre of island structures washed away. It used to be the chilliest pace.

    I think you're the guy who walked off with my snorkel!

    Lost it in maya bay December '92, I wonder if the birds nest caves survived the increase in visitors always used to be part of the trip to maya bay?

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Knowing now this woman is a vile terrorist for hire casts serious doubt on her witness testimony of the 2010 wat shootings. In light of recent events it seems more likely that this wide-berther shot the temple 6 herself in what is known as a false flag operation. I look forward to reading of her punishment. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Sweet.

    It seems to me you already have her guilty before trial. A very typical move by you. How about looking at it from another side. After working as a nurse's aid at the temple she seen the Army kill innocent people as sitting ducks. This would of course cause hate in her heart for the slaughter of these innocent people and wanting revenge for these inhumane acts of the Army.

    Ahh the apologists response to all bad things. This is how those who defend terrorists around the world justify what they did. The bad men made me do it!

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  6. I just hope when ISIS is consigned to the history books, every single isis fighter is put on trial for genocide, rape and whatever else they have done together. Not a single one should be left unpunished, and we should leave the punishments to those who have lost family and friends. Im sure the turnout would be quite good for a traditional stoning, and the sale of false beards will go through the roof.

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  7. Have tried and loved Monsoon Valley many times over the years and they have always been very good. Monsoon Valley is made on Prachuap Kiri khan though and I have only had them outside of Thailand. They stand up well to Australian and NZ wines. Maybe the good stuff is exported while the dregs are sold locally?

    • Like 2
  8. NeverSure post # 3

    I'm waiting for that backlash. What I see is a war for control among various sects of Muslims. I see tit for tat as in a few airstrikes from Jordan over the killing of a pilot. Where is Jordan now? Where is Saudi?

    I see lip service from Muslims but where is the international Muslim community which, if mostly good, could wipe these people out? They are the ones who could figure out where and who these people are on a daily basis.

    I don't expect to see a lot more than lip service unless a country, such as Syria, is under attack. Even then it seems to take mostly Western countries to do the heavy lifting. (When they're willing.)


    Regarding the ''heavy Lifting from the Western countries, perhaps the situation we now see is as a result of the west and its ''Heavy Lifting'' exercises in the past.

    That is so tired. There we so many worldwide islamic terrorist attacks including 9/11 before the "war on terror" that if you don't know you should just google.

    I don't like Bush and I didn't agree with the methods he used but to say it wasn't already there and spreading is naive at best. There was another big hit on the Twin Towers in 1993 which essentially failed. There's a worldwide list that's choking and to think terrorist weren't already among those countries and attacking many countries before, won't work.

    BTW Democrat Bill Clinton hit the terrorists in the ME before Bush ever thought of it. Clinton bombed Iraq in 1998 - 3 years before Bush was POTUS.

    These terrorist strike a lot of countries like Thailand only because they are haters.

    Perhaps the "situation we now see is as a result of the west" and our involvement with islamic peoples recently; perhaps. OK, we considered this theory. The answer is an unequivocal NO! This theory has no validity- at all!

    Now lets consider a more viable explanation. Islam has attacked... everyone since its inception. Instead of peppering these pages with the endless list of atrocities, attacks, mayhem, genocide, subjugation, slaughter, rape, plunder, and oppression that has defined the entire islamic history, lets just take one slice of islamic history and juxtapose it with the West's involvement today. When even topically reviewed it is utterly apparent that what is the islamic motivation has absolutely nothing to do with irritants and oppression, other than their own. Look now at approximately 400 years of islamic "situation;" and this is even before they marched and slaughtered an easy 100,000,000 Hindus and Buddhists. It is a fallacy of perspective to wake from our modern slumber and note islamic jihad and state "ahhh, where did this come from?" It is the inculcated self loathing of the recent western education for the past generation that then leads one to conclude "we must have started this." Poppycock! Islam was always marching across the world; it is the foundational blueprint for the entire ideology.

    Well said! Almost all of the problems the west faces is because of a singular refusal to believe that one of the founding pillars central to Islam, is to conquer and spread the true word of god. I think its fortunate in a way that this is all happening now, as in another 100 years lots of European countries will have muslim majorities that if unchecked, will have little problem securing power in government. It is then that the "peaceful" agenda of converting the whole world to Islam will begin. I am in no way against all aspects of Islam, but its core beliefs as being spread by Imams throughout the world have become perverted. It started with the mad Iranian the Ayatollah Khomeini who sanctioned self martyrdom as weapon of war and vowed that nothing will stop Islam until its flag flies over every house in the world. That message has since spread far and wide through the Imams and down into the general population. I cannot blame muslims for wanting to be better muslims. But those who guide them should be held responsible, unfortunately every muslim would rise up if the Imams were attacked in any way by infidels, even if it just verballyWe have arrived at an impasse, and the world we live in today

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