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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Some wildly speculative numbers for how popular Koh Tao is on here. If we take arrivals at Suvarnabhumi as our total number of tourists Thailand gets each year, then the number is 15 million only. It is not 24 million as some are stating. That figure is for "visitors" to Thailand from all borders, most of which are from neighbouring countries and not regarded as tourists.

  2. Koh tao is a beautyful place with 1 mio visitor coming every year with in total 12 fatality in 2014 incl accident and homocuid and suicide

    So do the math that nothing

    On the phollipones on 2014 more than 300 tourist lost their live just in manila not the 7000 islands with ransome kidnapping incl

    Koh Tao population of around 1,600 Thai's and according to you 12 fatalities, now do the Maths rather than comparing such a tiny island and population with the Philippines population of 98 million

    You really specialize in twisting someones words to make your boat float, don't you.

    Let me spell it out for you.

    Khoh Tao has 1.000.000 visitors a year, not 1600.

    12 people died.

    Manila has 300 tourist deaths a year, not the whole of Philippines.

    300/12 x 1.000.000 = 25.000.000

    Do 25.000.000 People visit Manila alone each year?

    Nonsense! There is no way that 3000 people per day visit koh tao! You are dreaming or employed by TAT. Koh Tao does not have the resources, there are not enough rooms for 1 million visitors per year. Samui barely gets that

  3. Why don't the Muslims get out and protest against thier fellow muslims who are carrying out these attacks. I am sure if they did it would go a long way to healing the divide b/w islam and the rest.

    There are many muslim leaders (and people) who speak out against terrorism. The trouble is that it seems the West just doesn't (want to) report on or hear them.

    The article below was written before the Paris tragedy....there are, no doubt many more recent expressions of regret and outrage.


    OK, now bring on the usual "apologist" slurs.. coffee1.gif

    I think you need to wake up! Paying lip service to extremism after the fact or before the fact is just that.. lip service. Until muslims stand up and report radical clerics and their followers to the police it means nothing, less than nothing in fact. This will never happen.

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  4. Just to make this clear for all of you who are already mixing Islam with Islamist :

    The guys who died in France would have spit on your face for such comments.

    The guys who died hated the kind of people who mixed a minority of a group to make the whole group look bad whatever the group is.

    Yes they hated religion, yes they hated the islamists, as much as they hated the israelian settlers, as much as they hated the catholic church and its wealth and secrets about children abuses by their priest.

    Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous and all the staff at the Charlie Hebdo were mostly ...be ready guys.... communists or far left winged and nothing, not even such carnage would have changed their way of living.

    Oh and another thing, just remember YOU are the f..ing foreigners here, and i can read a lot from you speaking about how the thais try daily to con farangs, to kill them or rob them, and still you re here.... just think of what may happen if one day two lunatics farang start to kill 12 people in Bangkok, how would you like them to react? understand the difference or just kick all of us from thailand?

    What a crock! Please tell me any situation in which a couple of farangs would kill a bunch of thais in cold blood for being disrespectful to something they believed in?
    • Like 1
  5. It's all just talk, as many have said numerous times, Thailand will never be open enough to be an international player of any kind. The engrained xenophobia here against all non Thais means that companies will never be free to set up here and employ who they want, the way they want. There is not the smallest sliver of trust for non Thais, and when trying to set yourself up as an international hub of anything, there needs to be an element of open engagement and trust of foreigners that they will get back more than they will have to give away. Just look at Singapore to understand how this works.

    Singapore and to a lesser extent Jakarta are wholly more suitable to this than Thailand will ever be.

  6. I think whatever the reason behind it, this is a really good idea. The full Moon parties are a legend and form the basis of many a backpackers first experience of the crazy wide world outside of their own homeland. 98.5%* of all those that attend the parties have a great time and don't end up being raped or murdered. They pack up their packs next day and wander off elsewhere, never to return, but with a head full of memories of a crazy night on the beach under the full moon in Thailand.

    The proliferation of so called "Full Moon Parties" away from Haad Rin Beach was getting ridiculous, and I'm glad they have been stopped. If younglings want to go crazy lets let them do it one day a month in a relatively safe environment, one which can be policed and secured easily enough. Haad Rin is the perfect spot for it..

    *(not actual figure just something I made up)

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