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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Another attack at Trat last night 2 dead and at least 40 injured including an 8 yr old boy shot in the head in critical condition.

    Where are you Tarit, Chalerm ?

    That Yingluck and PTP hasn´t condemned the many attacks speaks wolumes.

    Exactly right.. that sickens me the most, as it is implicit that she secretly condones any act that will allow her to remain in power. She has shown her true nature and it is one of pure poison. A truly foul creature that certainly does not deserve to be a standing prime minister!

  2. Glad to know she has expressed her horror at the violence in Thailand to the people of Thailand, and urged an end to all violence....

    Oh wait, she hasn't she's done f*** all, and said nothing. The violence can carry on and rip the country apart for all she cares.. disgusting behaviour for a leader of a so called civilised country

    • Like 2
  3. It makes sense to contemplate a permanent move to CM. It is far more suitable than Bangkok and a move could free the govt of all the hangers on living high on the hog in BKK, at taxpayers expense

    Yes another greeat idea! Lets get the government to move to Chiang Mai and then we can sell them our land at a whopping profit. Wonder who owns the land? You know who does...

    Another dumb as <deleted> redshirt has a brain freeze!

  4. I think he should drop the word "mass " maybe the word miniscule is more appropriate now .

    View looking down on protesters at Office of Permanent Secretary for Defence on Chaeng Wattana Rd (Pic @) http://t.co/uM79Tejx7U


    A few old ladies in wheel-chairs, according to Moonao, Prbkk, Dave and clan.

    sure maybe 5,000? 10,000 at most? no 6m just a WIDE angle lens lol

    PS taken probably lunch time too :)

    Sure wide angle lenses actually add people to an image. 5000 for a 28mm, 10000 for a 24mm and a whopping 30000 for a 14mm.

    Its a fact!

  5. For Thai nationals as well? Show me the proof and my jaw will drop!

    Yes for Thai nationals as well, of course they are required to, what do you think an ID card is for if not used to keep track of people and used to identify who is doing what and where in terms of movement amongst other things ?

    Well usually ID cards are to prove your identity. Of course hotels would like to know the people staying with them are really who they say they are in case of fire etc. You can't extrapolate from that, that ID cards are needed so they can be report guests to the police.

  6. How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

    Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

    err why do they need to set a precendent, as a non citizen or PR, the Thai goverment or more specifically immigration can "deport" you any time it wants to, you have no right of residence in Thailand if your on a visa or extension...why is it so hard for farangs to understand this...you have no right to remain...its that simple

    Is this guy on a visa then, for the past 55 years? Wow must be a record if true.

    On the other hand Thailand subscribed to the UDHR some 60 years ago, which states

    "Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

  7. Suthep may not be a communist but he is indeed a fascist, an aspiring dictator, and an alleged murderer.

    What a fantastic role model for an anti-government protest leader, and the fact that there still are Thai Visa members still supporting this loony is truly mind-boggling.

    Can you not see that wanting hotel owners to report on guests is exactly what a fascist state would do?

    So you dont know that by law hotels are and have always been required to take down ID or passport info and its supposed to be regularly checked by the authorities.

    You must also have a place listed on where to stay or are staying on the TMA entry form, or as a resident your listed on a tabien ban and ampur etc etc ... all this is all not just a little bit fascist and put in place... not surprisingly by the army and military over the years, This has been going on for as long as I remember and way before any Shins appeared.

    For Thai nationals as well? Show me the proof and my jaw will drop!

  8. Why? Suthep is not a fascist, dictator or communist. You are the only one wanting people to behave like right wing nationalists.

    He certainly did try to become a dictator. With 400 of his own people in power, 100 personally chosen by himself!

    If you remember his threats to detain Yingluk and keep her hostage till she resigns? Also his "she will have to flee the country" remarks.

    So suggesting his best interest is to flee abroad might have been a joke, but its not out of bounds by any means.

    Someone has to be in a position of absolute power to be a dictator. And dictators don't usually go around telling everyone of their cunning plan on stage or on on television. Maybe you are confusing the term dictator and demonstrator. They both begin with the letter D, so easy enough mistake to make I suppose.

    "D" is for dictator...

    • Like 1
  9. Suthep may not be a communist but he is indeed a fascist, an aspiring dictator, and an alleged murderer.

    What a fantastic role model for an anti-government protest leader, and the fact that there still are Thai Visa members still supporting this loony is truly mind-boggling.

    Can you not see that wanting hotel owners to report on guests is exactly what a fascist state would do?

    • Like 1
  10. welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

    How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

    Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

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