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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. democracy like pushing through a bill at 3.a.m. without allowing a proper debate..i get your idea of democracy your version obviously...piss poor effort to on your behalf to ridicule a valid post....jog on dreamer w00t.gif

    Again a post by someone who has no idea of what democracy is. there is nothing illegitimate about "pushing through" a bill at 3 am as long as it is done in parliament and it is voted in by a majority.

    Which constitution has a rule that says no law may be passed after midnight as this is unfair?

    Allowing a proper debate? Well, no one can stop people from having debates but it is the government that decides when the bill will have to be voted on. Again, there is nothing illegitimate about this. If a government was not able to proceed to voting on a bill then the opposition could use what is called a filibuster to delay the passing of such a bill indefinitely.

    You don't sound too unreasonable, but unfortunately, you miss the point completely. It's not that the bill was passed at 3am, it was that the 3rd reading of the bill was scheduled to be at 9am the next day. The second reading was scheduled to have finished at midnight, not unreasonable. MPs expecting to be able to vote the next day awoke to find the government pushed the 3rd reading forward at midnight without, I'll say that again so you understand.. without informing MPs who were due to vote the next day. If you cannot understand why that is deemed undemocratic, then I suggest you like your apologist pro YL friends will never ever understand anything about how this government manipulates anything and everything to achieve its goal to fleece the nation not just for this year and next year, but for the next 50 - 100 years.

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  2. Yes, good! Let's finally topple the Faschist Thaksin Regime. Strip the redshirts of their money and throw them in military jail!

    This government is the worst government Thailand ever had and we need to go quick befor even our grandchildren will have to pay back the debts these evil people made!

    None so blind as those that won't see reality.

    There's a special place for where you can enjoy your reality in safety... everyone else is doing fine thanks, and we can see quite well enough.

  3. Another concern for would be Foreign Rice buyers is that much of the Rice mountain is now of mixed quality and also rotten ,so they have lost confidence in the once high quality rice of thailand product ,

    Have you inspected it recently ?

    How many weavels in it ?

    Did you mean Weevils, the little bugs or Weasels the furry mouse killers?

  4. ^Same thing the Democratic Yellow masters do with their minions. wai.gif

    Another contender for the stupidest post of the year and its not even the end of the first month.

    It's pointless even posting a comment on TV at the moment, too many trolls who thing they know it all. If some of the commentators really believe what they say then they are as messed up as the political system in Thailand. For those that claim to stand for or know what democracy is. You've proven the opposite with you're comments. wai2.gif

    It does make you wonder about the type of foreigners choosing Thailand as their home doesn't it?

    • Like 1
  5. Much of the hate the protestors have are for the Shinawatras, in particular the scum in Dubai. If the PTP would distance themselves from the Shinawatras and Dubai and even make a show of pretending to want to arrest him, Suthep's support would dwindle dramatically.

    It's not a cure all but the fact remains there are as much people who love the scum of Dubal as there are those who wish he'd drop dead. Get rid of Yingluck and of the Shinawatra relatives from the government. This is a country after all, not their company. The PTP still win the elections but without Shinawatra influence, they can go about actually governing instead of thinking of schemes to get the scum back home. People on the other side are more likely to be receptive of a government, even a PTP one, that isn't led by an overseas mass murdering fugitive.

    In a word no! TRT and PTP are/were nothing without the Thaksin engine driving them along, they only exist to enfranchise one family. I doubt anyone in PTP would have any clue what to do without being told.

  6. What bad biased reporting again. The route is 7km long not the mob length.

    Low numbers again and now many many more on the respect my vote marches and vigils.

    Silom today, just a few goons left and what is noticible about this is that the PDRC, as the vendors claim on Thai TV have marked out the street and have thugs collecting money off them.

    You can clearly see it here. So extortion, illegally letting out Thailand, to add to a thousand crimes.

    Police cheif stated on all Thai TV, that people should not think the Government is finished, and should be prepared to face the music after the elections. If they see of Suthep,,,, most of these goons are going down.

    If they don't see of Suthep, Suthep will have to set up an Amnesty Bill or they will all be in the nick.. how hypocritic is that


    Congrats. Another mind numbingly dumb post. Must take you ages to work all this out. Why don't you make a little folder of all your proofs and accusations and take it along to the police or PTP, so they can use it against Suthep. I'm sure insights like yours will be welcomed with both hands and you will be a hero...

  7. Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

    Only an intelligent person with half an ounce of common sense would say such a thing!! Let's remember that a large percentage of the posters are not able to comprehend the difference.

    To them blocking the road to Nana is a terrorist offence. In fact anyone daring to interrupt the daily schedule of their banal lives is probably a terrorist and definitely a fascist! I never used to understand why some Thais disliked foreigners, but I can see why now. We are not as a whole, a very likeable group.

  8. Please tell us why oh wise one! Well the reason is that Sethups guys are the guys playing Al Capone, setting up road block, searching people, now even stories off intimidation on people going to work. IN Mongolia we have saying

    " When a Bull Yak is interrupted with his Lady friend, better not be a passing attractive Camel"

    For all your farmyard wisdom, you seem to completely miss the fact that the PDRC protests have been peaceful. They have blocked roads etc etc, but those are not the actions of gangsters and thugs no matter how you try to spin it.

  9. I think that is very sensible. Now Mr. Suthep can show that he is really democratic as he claims, by removing his "thugs" from outside the polling stations and allowing every Thai citizen their unalienable right to vote. Surely this is what all democracy is about! One person, one vote. Let the people decide.

    Think about what you're saying maybe?? There are only going to be one set of candidates fielded in this farce of an election, voters do not have a choice who to vote for, they can only abstain!

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