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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Yuan and Renminbi are one and the same thing Ms Fawn... or were you being sarcastic?

    Apart from that I can't see what the he_ll you're trying to get at. Will WWIII begin because the dollar is weak... No! Will there be a readjustment of world currencies.. Yes!

    Will the USA suffer, probably, but not as much as people think. Will the rest of the world suffer.... definitely, because the USA will not want to go down alone, it wiill embargo everything. China on the other hand will not suffer any loss whatsoever.

    Learn Mandarin now!!!

  2. Every day I walk around Bangkok, I see beggars and what is bothering me about this, is not that I see beggars, no, it's why do I not give my money to them. Maybe it's because I came from London, where there are more beggars than here believe it or not, and there I was almost 100% certain that those begging were not doing it to feed themselves, they were doing it because they wanted to score some drugs or booze or whatever, or as many of them were, just plain stupid and lazy. I think being exposed to that on a daily basis hardened me to beggars of any sort.

    But now here in Bangkok I have no doubt that the beggars I see on the street are indeed in need and begging to survive. Yet as I walk past them I more often than not hear a little voice in my head saying... "no not this one... she's too fat! How can she be fat and be starving?" things of that sort, I also get the same voice when I see beggars dragging themselves along the streets when there is plainly no need to, "they're doing it to make you feel bad if you walk past them" my voice would say. Now I can't have anyone using emotional blackmail on me not even a beggar. The same goes for people with burns, limbs missing or cut off and then showing them off to their best effect. My voice tells me no!

    So that leaves the little toothless old ladies sitting on the streets looking destitute, or the skinny little old men with bowls or cups out. These I always feel good giving my money to, and I try to as often as I have change in my pocket. But yesterday, one very old, very skinny beggar that I often give my change to, was sitting in the shadowy shop corner as I walked past and he was counting a one inch thick wad of 100 Baht notes. I had to laugh. I picked the wrong one to give my money to. Or did I??

    What about yourselves, do you spread it around, or are there some people you do give to and some you don't?? Is it just me?


  3. Maybe the USA is the biggest country in the West, and it got attacked on 9/11/2001, and has spent billions upgrading all its security. Now, when a US citizen who's in Thailand, checks in at the embassy or consulate general offices for the simplest thing, they are often asked first for their passport. Minutes later, (after it's been checked for whatever they wish to check their computers for), the passport is returned. They didn't do this a couple of years ago.

    Hmm. but surely before 9/11, there was a world before then !... if a USA citizen was on the run, there would be some sort of international warrant out for this guy, and when he entered Thailand on his passport, the Thai authorities would have logged his entry into the kingdom. Does it stop there? Or do countries regularly inform other states who as to who is there or not. I always thought they did, as well as airlines reporting their passenger lists routinely.

  4. i could not eat dog because of the very close association between dog and man , and the fact that i have had dogs as pets before.

    because of this close association , and the fact that there is so much meat around these days , i do wonder how thais , and other asians , can actually eat dog , but as others have said , it's a different culture and each to their own.

    Fair play fella to each his own!

    I don;t think the amount of choice of meat has anything to do with the reasons for eating or not eating dogs. I think it must come down to actual taste, they must taste good to some people. There is a whole list of things I can't believe Thais and esp. Chinese eat, but dog would never be on that list.

    It's just red meat in a different wrapper!!

  5. For people who have never encountered anything like this (either male or female), it is a big shock. Years ago, I was working in Hong Kong and men used to commit fratage--they would get on the subway, elevator or a crowded bus (very crowded) and get up against a lady and hump her. Sometimes the victim wasn't aware of what was going on.

    I was sitting on a trolley. A lady standing in front of me turned and gave me a dirty look. I was shocked, but when I tried to figure out what was wrong, I saw that the guy behind her had his willy out and was humping her. The trolley had been very crowded, but when I looked behind him, most people had gotten off (literally). The next thing you know, he shoots his wad all over her dress.

    I was shocked and actually it took me about 20 minutes to comprehend what I had just seen.

    I agree that is shocking... do you think this and that are the of the same level of assault?

  6. If this happened to a young girl I think you would all be right to be angry. But it didn't GF is a grown woman! Does it make it any less traumatic.. of course it does. GF knew exactly what the guy was, she wasn't horrified because she had never seen one before, or confused because she didn't understand. This happened to a fully adult woman, and while bad it is hardly likely to damage her in any serious way is it?? And if this was a Thai guy then sorry but she would have hardly seen anything anyway.

    I agree it shouldn't have happened.

  7. Fawn you are a class act.... *hoo-hoo's* and wax and now this.... I don't know why but some people will lead quiet lives and then there are people like you, who no matter what you do will have a 1000 unexpected things happen to them!

    I'm sorry this did happen to you, but I think you're one lady who will get over it, and get on with your very eventful life.


  8. "The welfare state cost 79 billion pounds last year"

    Yes and through NI contributions we paid 65 billion, so unless you understand how these things are paid for and why we have them, I suggest that like a lot of other people you get your facts first.

  9. Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

    With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

    It would be understandable :o

    dude... lighten up! I'm sure he was only joking

  10. Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

    Yes you're right... calling you a closet fascist for the above was a little strong, I apologise for that.

    But I think we must have read different articles... or at least you might have read one sentence and then made up your mind, whereas I think I read it all the way through until the end. And guess what like I just said the article was not about dubbed movies!!!

    Maybe you could spare the time and go away and read the whole thing then come back here and tell me about how this guy only cares about watching English movies... go on!! I'll wait here


  11. For those that missed it...

    The article was NOT about Bond movies not being in English, the article was about Thailands attitude towards use of the English language, that is why 95% of the article was about the problems teachers are facing and in the end Thai children.

    I'm sure you'll get a nice shiny star in your passport for being a good foreigner!!

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