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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. I think Robski has some good points, Russia must have been a hard place to grow up in, but that is exactly why their dog eat dog attitude to life, exploiting anything weaker where they can get a foothold, will bring trouble to Thailand, just an opinion.

  2. no! it has everything to do with discussing Russian society and the probability of an influx of that kind of visitor... can you read or not.... or are you just happy to ignore what's been written?

    Russian (or whatever has derived from their former communist empire) are not bad visitors.

    Usually, they are with families, not ugly overweight <deleted> at all and have no tatoos.

    And have no intention to partake in what westerners do.

    I can understand their language, can speak 60%...

    Let me say, I am just disgusted with the post from "ourmanlift".

    How nice of you to say!!!

    I guess my stereotyping all Russians is different from your stereotyping of .. let me guess! all Brits as "ugly overweight <deleted> with tattoos"

    I can see you're just a much more thoughtful person than I.

  3. Like I said, I was in the tour business, met tourists everyday. They all had horror stories about the gangs of tourist cheats, lined up, telling them lies all day, cheating, scamming them from the minute they arrive till the moment they leave. Not an occasional tale of someone being cheated but a constand stream of people telling me about the scams they encounter.

    They are at the Airport.

    They are parked outside of EVERY hotel posing as Taxis driver. They are only there to scam. Legit drivers can't park there.

    Swarms of these guys are surrounding the perimiter of every tourist spot trolling for a victim.

    Do you think the TUK Tuk guys trolling Sukhumvit are there to give sightseeings rides? No. They are trolling for victims.

    Smooth talking Con men at intersections striking up conversations.

    I see it. Everybody knows it. It's everywhere.

    The whole Country is practically in on it. Cheat the Farang is OK.

    Thailand is getting a serious bad rap and the TAT does nothing but advertise for more schmucks to come to the Land of Smiling Ripoffs.

    How about a warning or a move to clean up the scammers.

    I see nothing done at all.

    There was another thread not so laong ago, asking wether you would stop a farang from being ripped off by one of these conmen, and my great astonishment most of the morons on this board thought that it was completely Ok to rip off someone if they were gullible enough, and they wouldn't intervene even if it was OK to do so.

    That's the calibre of person who posts here... no morals and no integrity.

  4. I read in the paper the other day that young English couples can no longer afford to buy their own house due to the property boom; is it true in England anyone can buy a house and or land?

    I believe our former leader has property there. Perhaps the English working class should protest to Tony Blair about this.

    You are right, we in the UK will let just about anybody buy a piece of good ol' blighty, for better or worse we are much more open than many countries are.

  5. One only has to browse through the many threads on Thailand related Forums to come to the same conclusion as I have.

    In what way is it ridiculous, are you telling me that many Farangs do not come across with a superiority attitude in many threads and posts? :D

    I beg to differ.....

    How many posts do you see slating Thailand and Thai people, Thai government etc, how hard done by the poor farang is............ :D

    But still, they come....and still they buy houses not in their names, and still they complain even though they knew it would never be in their name, they buy, then complain. lol :D

    I bought a house too. :o

    First of all what do you mean "superior", what?? I feel superior to almost everyone including you, it doesn't mean I am superior. What kind of nonsense are you spouting? And of course there are lots of posts slating Thailand, that is the beauty of free speech, I'm sure elsewhere there are forums with lots of people slating lots of other people.. Thais slating Farangs for example... it's venting, it's not real, this is one of the purposes of a forum, a place to air ideas. I think what you want is somewhere where there is no discussion at all, you see for every point made for Thailand, there has to be an opposing view, so what do you think you've discovered here?? That people disagree...

    This isn't a revelation, it's a FORUM


  6. Was there a point to starting this thread?? If there was I can't see it. I think your greatest observations are that

    a) a lot of British people beat up Asians because they are smaller than them

    :o having more education than a Thai person will only get you in trouble

    Have I got that right??

    Genius... why it's all so very clear now isn't it??

  7. I could go on for hours... but here are few faves

    From Anchorman:

    Ron Burgundy: Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diago, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.

    Ron Burgundy: I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

    Ron Burgundy: I thought you were kidding. I thought it was a joke. I even wrote it down in my diary - Veronica had a very funny joke today. I laughed about it later that night.

    Ron Burgundy: I'm in a glass case of emotion.

    From Napoleon Dynamite:

    Napoleon Dynamite: [referring to Deb's milk] I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.

    Napoleon Dynamite: You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.

    Napoleon Dynamite: I caught you a delicious bass.

    From Withnail & I:


    • We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here, and we want them now.

    • I feel like a pig shat in my head.

    • I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze.

    • I have a heart condition. If you hit me, it's murder.

    Uncle Monty

    • Flowers are simply tarts; prostitutes for the bees.

    • I mean to have you, boy, even if it must be burglary.


    • I invented it in Camberwell, and it looks like a carrot.

    • This'll tend to make you very high.

    From Sexy Beast

    Gal: No!

    Don: Yes!

    Gal: No!

    Don: Yes!

    Gal: No!

    Don: Fat c_unt!

    Gal: No, No, No!

    Don: Yes, Yes, Yes!

    Aitch: Look, with this pill, they say you take it and that's it. Your hair don't grow, you don't go bald, it stays the same. You have your hair cut once, in whatever style you want, and it stays like that for the rest of your natural life. It's revolutionary. Now, I'm not saying this is gonna happen next year but it will happen, it's definitely coming. Hairdressers are shitting themselves!

    :o:D good times!!

  8. By now drugs are going from Golden Triangle to EU , not backward. buy a map

    About crooks ? Being russian I've never seen much, how about real life - not movies ?

    Sex slave trade ? Who needs locals, they are lousy, lazy and very unprofessional at that market.

    Man, you're trippin'

    So there isn't a widespread and massive criminal underworld in Russia.. OK thanks for your very knowledgeable input there... Russkaya Mafia

    I think you need to wake up!

  9. OMFG>>>>

    this has to be the single most stupid thing any Thai government could do. I thought they were trying to weed out unwanted visitors with the niew visa regs, instead they've opened the door to the biggest criminal underworld the world has ever seen, the Russians are by far and away the worse bunch of crooks any of you or I will ever meet in our lives.

    This will mean a massive increase in drugs trafficking to Thailand and an even bigger, sex slave trade from Thailand to Moscow.

    By far and away the stupidest thing I've heard this year.

  10. I couldn't comment on the sterilization aspects of hot water, but I can say that every Thai woman I have lived with (and there's been quite few through the years) has never allowed any farang within 6 feet of a washing up bowl, as they are convinced that farangs don't wash up properly. My present wife, won't even allow Thai men to wash up as she doesn't think they do it properly - the entire male population of Thailand is incapable of washing up!

    Have you ever seen them wash the dishes? They put so much soap on them and scrub for hours. Then they rinse and wash again, and again till they are satisfied. Most Thai women won't even use dish washers, because they don't think they do the job properly.

    So, rightly or wrongly, that's the way it's been in my washing up life, and I ain't complaining, and I'm still alive. :D


    so very true, and I thought it was just me not being able to do it properly, I'm glad you seem to get stick for it as well.

    As an aside, it is the phenolic rings in the detergent that sterilises your utensils and dishes not hot water, that just makes it easier to dissolve the grease.

    As long as you use detergent your plates will be clean enough to eat your dinner off... lucky that!

  11. Just had alook at the translate it section at Bangkok Post ( thanks for the pointer) and I came across this: ความว่าอะไร first off I don't really understand it, but secondly I think I must be hearing ว่า, and thinking it is วะ.

    Tried to search for ก, but can't copy the upper syllable into search, as you can see, and ko returns an error, the search here is very weak, that's why I and others I suspect resort to asking new questions.

  12. yeah.. I'm one of those guys under 50 with enough money to live on.. just! All I do here is spend money, I don't earn money from any Thai company or individuals, I want to stay here because it's cheap, friendly and well located in Asia. Seems there are a few here that think I should be happy with three months as a tourist and just go home.

    It's a great attitude isn't it? "I'm alright Jack"

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