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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. to summise then

    - 90% of all respondents do like the British

    - 65% felt that alcohol tended to bring out hitherto hidden tendencies ergo.. that we like to get trolleyed

    - 6% felt the British were no better than the Australians

    - 31.6% felt that Britain was indeed a yob culture.

    - 44% of respondents felt that overall Britain and its citizens were much to be admired.

    - 100% of respondents admitted that deep down they wish they were British

    Nice one :o

  2. Just checked out the Fuji and yes with a 10x zoom it might just... just do the job! The lens is the 35mm equivalent 38-380mm so it will get wobbly at the top end and assuming the closest focus at 380mm is 1-2m then you might get a decent picture of a sparrow. But it's not gonna fill the frame or anything like that. Whatever anyone tells you anywhere photographing birds with anything less than a 500 mm or equivalent is very diificult even from 15 feet away.

    Good luck though!

  3. I agree with the above China is the way to go!! I asked when you were going because the Kunming-Bangkok superhighway will be opening soon, it just goes to show how much China is changing.

    So the route would be bangkok-laos-china ( yunnan-sichuan( or yunnan-qinghai )-gansu-xinjiang)-then the stans - Iran- Turkey


  4. maybe you should take a pro photographer with you, me, so we could write it up and sell the story. And yes I know the way, depends on when you were planning to go, the easiest way is through China and along the silk road, but perhaps not as exciting as going through Afghanistan...

    Always wanted to do it, have discussed it numerous times.


  5. If you're interested to know more, I suggest you read "Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra who many years ago saw the similarities between Buddhist thought and Quantum Mechanics... really it's true, and a fantastic read, the Physics stuff is pretty heavy but worth it in the end.


  6. I agree that the British Empire did have a lot to be proud of, but it also has a lot to be ashamed of in the way it treated some of the countries & people it ruled. As I'm sure you know, the first concentration camps were not the ones used by the Germans in WWII, they were implemented by the British in South Africa during the Boer war. We (yes, I'm British) have created as many (or more) problems as we've solved in most countries we've colonised. A lot of our sea-faring & trading history is based on the slave trade & the import/export of drugs, such as opium, very helpful in subduing the masses!

    Having said that, show me one country that hasn't committed any (for want of a better word) atrocities in it's history. I can't think of any :o Unfortunately, it's human nature. I'd like to think we've progressed since then, but who am I to judge either my own countrymen or those from other countries?

    I agree on the whole, but I think you should read "Empire" by Niall Ferguson it gives a brilliant insight throughout the rise and fall of the British Empire along with all its faults, but at the end you realise that given the choices at the time, it was probably the best thing that could have possibly happened, as our empire as it was, was by far the lesser evil when compared to what the Dutch, German and Belgian empires were doing. And there is a major difference in our use of concenration camps and those used by the Nazis tested first in Namibia and only then in Germany. It's definitely worth reading to find out.

  7. There is direct connect, hotline and carracho, Rapidshare of course. There are so many options it all depends exactly what you want to share. My ISP has blocked all p2p and so I'm looking for other ways of getting things, and there are a few really good places like media max that you might want to check out.

  8. :o Thanks Fortitude,my geographical origins are clearly Australian, for those who are confused, well let them be so, I stated facts about the British influence in the genocide of Aborigines, take it or leave it.. :D Dukkha

    Dukkha... you are without doubt one of the dumbest people I've met here!!

    The only way we contributed to the genocide of the Aboriginal peoples was by sending our very worst scum there. It wasn't the "British" that used to go "Abo" hunting for fun it was you lot!!! A practice that only stopped in the 1960's.

    So there you have it... Aussies hunting Aboriginals on horseback for a bit of fun... I am sure you're proud of your country now!!

  9. Is this Dukkha guy Austrian or Australian.. whatever it is he's not very bright is he??? I think a chimp could have strung together a better argument... an argument against what you fool!!

    You sound like Reg from "The life of Brian"

    Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

    just substitute British for Romans and you're there fella!

    In fact the British Empire was the biggst since the Roman empire and I think we also had a great effect on the modern world, some bad things happened for sure, but there were a lot more good than bad...

    Dukkha: All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, beer, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the British ever done for us?


  10. Guys.. Americans are too easy targets, theres a lot of good and a lot of other... but please this thread is/was about our British cultural exports to Thailand. Lets keep it to that or start another thread.



  11. Anyway, seems to me this thread is more like Brits bashing Brits, Aussies bashing Brits and Brits bashing Aussies. Something you all seemed to have perfected :D

    I think that is another great British character trait.... we don't take ourselves too seriously. No matter how bad things get we can always laugh at ourselves.


  12. A thread devoted to racism? :D

    I've always been of the opinion that racists are either trying to hide their own insecurities or have a chip on their shoulder.

    Very, very sad.

    I'm not sure who or what you are getting at here... who are the racists??

    I think the thread has been moderately successful in disparaging the stereotype that Brits are all bad, as we've heard many times, there are a few whose actions mask the reality of Brits in Thailand. I hope the authorities do read this , because maybe they will also realise that it is their perception of the bad behaviour of a whole nation that is at fault, not the citizens of said great country. And may I also say that it seems obvious from the posts, that we "Brits" unfortunately cop for a lot of bad rep from other peoples behaviour just because they too speak English.


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