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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. yeah.. I'm one of those guys under 50 with enough money to live on.. just! All I do here is spend money, I don't earn money from any Thai company or individuals, I want to stay here because it's cheap, friendly and well located in Asia. Seems there are a few here that think I should be happy with three months as a tourist and just go home.

    It's a great attitude isn't it? "I'm alright Jack"

  2. Are particles "words" strictly speaking , do they have meaning??

    ก็ I seem to be coming across this and others more and more as I get deeper into learning Thai, does anyone have any suggestions of ways to use it apart from ก็ไ ko dai and แล้วก laeo ko? It seems to be a pretty flexible whatever it is.

    And the วะ wa particle, I've been told to not use it! But I hear it quite a lot usually girls though but even on TV, or is that Waa and I misheard it??



  3. I seem to see more 10-12 year olds being offered seats and that was the age range I was really talking about, I perfectly understand the need to let a much younger and therefore smaller child sit down, but a healthy 10 year old??? Live and let live!


  4. I'm surprised but guess I shouldn't be, this is an english language forum, I supposed there would be a lot more Europeans here, but they must have there own forums I guess.. "Das Thailand Visum forum" or the "forum de visa de la Thaïlande"

    What I really want to know is why Yorkshire isn't it's own option, I am Yorkshire not UK!!


  5. Thanks for the heads up. I thought respect for your elders was a universal and polite characteristic from most cultures. I can't see me ever giving up my seat though, not to a kid!!


  6. Every time I get the BTS I am amazed that older people get up to let young brats sit down, as if they're oh so fragile, it makes me want to clip them round the ears and tell them it is they who should be standing not someone who has been working all day.

    Is it just me, why do Thai people do this, is there something I don't know. I've never seen a school kid get up for an elderly person... never!!

    Can someone explain


  7. Hi All

    In the spirit of sharing good news, I am now connected to Buddy Broadbands 1 mb service. I was expecting the worst when I signed up last Friday..... just five days ago, but no all is very good. In fact I would like to say BuddyBB were great, my line was active by Monday morning, but I couldn't connect, maybe because I am using Virtual PC on my Mac to set up the wifi router, so I spent the whole day trying everything I could think of with no luck. A quick call to BuddyBB yesterday and they sent round an engineer this morning who fixed the bad line in my apartment, and asked me to take in the router to have its firmware upgraded at Sogo. The guy at Buddy set everything up, tested it with my powerbok and now I'm good to go. This would have taken weeksw in the UK at least.

    500 baht month 1 mb on international sites, test downloads from various sites all hit 100k+ consistently. I am chuffed. Now if I can just figure out P2P I'll be ecstatic


  8. I tend to have the TV on when I can just so I am listening to people speak thai all day, and after a few weeks you can start to didtinguish the words from each other instead of listening to what I once thought was a stream of babble! I have some idea of whats going on occasionally as I'll recognise a few words in a sentence. But there is a long way to go, as Thais seem to speak very differently in real life than they do in my books!! What a surprise!


  9. looks like a cat snake! Boiga species.. mildly venomous and rear fanged. In fact it could be quite a rarity.... boiga jaspidea

    And it does flatten sideways as you said.


  10. No it's not the name of a new bar... maybe it should be but that's another story!

    I need to buy some black velvet and black acrylic for my studio here in Bangkok, I've done a search and Pahurat maybe good for the velvet, but does anyone know where i Can buy sheet black acrylic (perspex)

    Thanks for any help


  11. I decided to go with BB as well today, so having a Mac I had to go to their head office at the Sogo building, I signed up, I picked the 500 baht per month 1mb service, paid for my Wi-Fi router 2900 baht... ouch!! and they said I will be able to connect by Sunday

    Sounds good to me. I shall let you know.

    no more trips to internet cafes... oh yes!!


  12. Pantip Plaza has thre apple resellers, two on the 3rd floor, and one on ground right at the very back...

    I think black macbooks were a shade under 70,000, but if you take my advice buy yourself a return to Penang on air asia, and they are just over 700 quid... bloo_dy bargain!

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