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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Yep I also like to see the underdog trump the better team, as long as it's not mine ????????
  2. I knew a girl who filled her chuff with tissue, not always easy to get it all out so had to spit out large bits occasionally.
  3. ???????? I did read the first 3 pages, ???????????? sooo much to read & soooo little time ????????????
  4. Sorry, one shouldn't laugh, but the way you put that was funny, made me laugh anyway. ????
  5. I've not read all the posts so please excuse my ignorance, did you get your leg over ?? ????????????????
  6. What I don't understand is why do these people pay up ??? If someone accused me of something which I knew to be false and asked me for dosh I would just tell them to take a running jump, but for some unknown reason Thais just accept it. Edit: Or maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
  7. Thanks for all your replies, it's a shame that one incident ruins it for everyone.
  8. My mum was a social worker when I was a young lad ( many many years ago ) she warned me and my siblings of the danger of getting involved in drugs, we all heeded her warnings and apart from some indulgence in alcohol & a bit of weed many many years back managed to stay clean of drugs.
  9. Not sure about after covid, but it certainly was a memorable trip from Singapore to Bangkok when me & the mrs did it, not that long ago actually, if it's not on your bucket list it needs to be added. ????
  10. Is there a restaurant & bar ? It's good to be able to sit & have a civilised meal with a glass or two of wine or beer before retiring to bed.
  11. Well knock me down with a feather, that's 2 Orient supporters in the same country, my mate is a big Orient fan, he lives tu'p north ????
  12. I'll stick with the Owl Log from now on. Although I might venture over to the footy threads every time the Irons win. That won't be very often then ???????????? ( Only joking ) ???????? Edited 13 hours ago by owl sees all
  13. It's all very well upping the ante on driving offences, all this country needs now is a police force to enforce them. Anyone wanna hazard a guess as to when that's likely to happen ? ? ????
  14. Do you actually drive ?? Have you actually got a licence ?? Or are you some famous comedian just trying to lighten the mood ?? If so you are doing a damn good job, I nearly choked on my cuppa T. ????
  15. I actually laughed aloud at your comment, unfortunately I also believe you are correct ????
  16. And the sad thing is that they actually believe this cr*p. Shakes head in disbelief.
  17. Are you one of those interfering teetotal busybodies who like to tell the world how long it has been since they gave up the demon ???? drink ??
  18. I & I'm sure many others would be happy to see the back of Prayuth/Prawit, I had enough of these clowns a long time ago, be nice to have a proper election and an administration chosen by the Thai people for a change, Enough of ruling by the power of a rifle, let the people choose who leads them.
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