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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Why not relace with whatever make is fitted by the manufacturer ??
  2. No, My 800,000 is permanently in a special account all year every year. no point in f*****n around.
  3. My government think that I live in the UK with my sister & family ha ha ha ha ha ha ????
  4. No thoughts from me, or any prayers either, prats like this are a danger to everyone, if we're lucky he may not be able to ride ever again.
  5. No rain in my neck of the woods, Pattaya, drier than a dry thing on a dry day.
  6. Thanks for the clarification, I'm the same as you and only use shops I am familiar with, always met with a smile & welcome back comment, it's also good to know that one is not being ripped off and they really appreciate repeat business.
  7. So, are you agreeing or disagreeing with what I said, I can't quite work out what you are saying, in the nicest possible way of course ????
  8. I think you'll find that they all sing off the same hymn sheet, ie: the price for gold is the same in all shops, it's been a while since I bought any so things may have changed.
  9. Sound advice.
  10. (Sarcasm alert) it's perfectly acceptable & legal here in Thailand 55555
  11. Life keeps me busy, I don't need anything else.
  12. I had that done, very nice, it really is amazing the difference it makes, go for it.
  13. Just pay someone to knock the house down then skip town pronto ????
  14. If I remember rightly the police have to purchase their own firearm (pistol) so not illegal, I think that they have to pay for their own uniform as well, I'm sure other members will know better than me.
  15. Let that be a lesson to all mouthy wives ???? Only joking,the level of absurdity to the reason for some crimes in this country border on the insane.
  16. Lucky she woke up prior to the door being shut.
  17. I'm 71, I regulary get at least 9 hrs sleep every night, if I feel tired during the day I hit the sack for a couple of hours, basically I have nothing to do and all day to do it ????
  18. Absolute ballcocks, someone has a secret agender to demonize Cannabis use and its effects.
  19. You speak with far too much authority on this subject...........
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