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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Just about to crack No. 3 open ????
  2. My beer of choice, a lot of posters on here poo poo it.
  3. Just cracked my first of the day, nice & cold, thanks mrs GT.
  4. ???? Something to do with the weather/ atmosphere ????
  5. Sorry, what is SIP Trunk ?? No understandee, thanks.
  6. Many, many years ago, possibly 20 or more years, I was down Walking Street with a bunch of mates, we went into a bar, we were drinking and having a good time amongst ourselves, I was sitting at the bar and one of the girls asked me if I would like the company of a very attractive but also obviously quite young lady, she was well under legal age for anything, I politely refused and we all finished our drinks & left, I have never been back to that place since, a shame as they used to play great rock music when all the other bars were playing techno cr*p or something similar.
  7. Biggest load of ballcocks I have ever read.
  8. You can certainly tell the users on here just by the replies. ????
  9. I think you'll find more people call it a Baht bus than a Songthaew.
  10. Very true, I'd be interested in the current price list as well ????
  11. I too am glad it all went well, with regard to food and beverage prices, I don't want to be seen as overly critical "But" if you are on board you are a captive audience, so prices will inevetitably be high, a bit like on a train or one of the local air carriers, more so if it has been signed over to another provider.
  12. That should bring the annoying, interfereing little busybody down a peg or two, well done Veerawich.
  13. That just looks like normal flotsam & jetsam at the high water mark to me.
  14. What's a loogie ? Not everyone understands slang from different cultures, I presume it's an americanism.
  15. I have a large tin of those biccy's as well, bloomin delicious ????
  16. How many times have you flown here ? Unless of course you are Thai.
  17. Used to get TM6 on the plane if my memory isn't cattle trucked, fill it in and hand it to immigration on arrval & get it back again, then hand it in again at the end of your visit, waste of time IMO.
  18. When I moved here in 2011 I bought a Collins Thai road map with me, makes life so much easier, everything in English.
  19. Surprised you never asked the question while at immigration ??
  20. It's just following the example set by it's trains ????
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