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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. It does'nt really surprise me, the current lot will do anything to cling onto power.
  2. Was that Secrets bar ?? That was a great place, had some fun with the girls in there ???? Happy memories.
  3. Yep I know what you're saying, I used to go to all of those back in the day, had sooooo much fun, 1st trip here was in 2005 I think, came with a mate, we were like kids in a candy shop ???? a whole month of adult fun, after that it was twice a year every year till I retired here back in 2011, oh such happy days. ????
  4. Thai's being proactive !!! You really have lost the plot ????
  5. Out on the Darkside yesterday (25/4/23) we had the power out for over 2 hours, even though it was hissing down with rain it was still very hot & sticky, went outside & sat under cover where it was cooler than indoors till the power came back on, people don't realise just how much we depend on electricity to make our lives more comfortable.
  6. At 71 my libido has taken a dive, with a relatively young partner (mid 40's) I would like to be able to enjoy close sexual contact again, would Testerone injections help in this department ??
  7. I think you'll find it's been all over the news, the TV news had it on earlier.
  8. It has a white top I think, but try reading the label, thats usually a giveaway.
  9. Not 100% sure, I have a separate account which has 800,000 in it all the time, if you can afford to do it that is the way to go IMO.
  10. Thai politicians corrupt !!!! Shock horror, who'd of thunk it.
  11. I guess it's a case of watch this space ????
  12. Does it help in the bedroom department ? I would love to be able to surprise the Mrs again ????
  13. Not really overkill !! in the top pic only 15 police or whatever they maybe to arrest 2 miscreants, nice use of manpower ????
  14. You have obviously never worked shifts, night shift serously screws with your bodyclock, I worked shifts for 23 years before I retired here, it took me a long long time to adjust.
  15. Lucky he never had his head in there ????
  16. Tim, do you have any plans to broadcast Saturday's programme or a recording later in the day ? I enjoy the Mon - Fri programmes but never get to see Saturday's edition. Kind regards Chris Marsden.
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