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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. ". Attempts by local authorities to regulate these prohibited spaces have proven futile, resulting in vehicular chaos as cars vie for limited parking. Isn't there a 'police station' at Dong Tan?? So what are the BIB doing???
  2. Or the top, depending how you look at it??
  3. Many news outlets are biased, like MSNBC, CNN, Fox etc, but the difference here is that the BBC relies mostly on License Fees from the UK public for its operation! If a person watches live TV in the UK and has no license, it is a criminal offense. If a person doesn't pay a fine, they can be imprisoned. The charter which the BBC operates under says it, the BBC, must be unbiased. From the charter: "The BBC should provide duly accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming to build people’s understanding of all parts of the United Kingdom and of the wider world. Its content should be provided to the highest editorial standards. It should offer a range and depth of analysis and content not widely available from other United Kingdom news providers, using the highest calibre presenters and journalists, and championing freedom of expression, so that all audiences can engage fully with major local, regional, national, United Kingdom and global issues and participate in the democratic process, at all levels, as active and informed citizens." The problem is that BBC in general is now very biased and so are some its commentators/journalists. Maybe 25 -30 years ago it was a world renowned news organization that everyone could trust, and look up to but slowly and surely it has been getting worse/biased as time has passed. Why the BBC needs to be paid for by the public, thru license fees, in this day and age is beyond ant logic!
  4. Yes, but somehow I don't think that will happen?
  5. Its just typical of these 'officials' (Phra Nakhon district officials) they do not have a clue! Amazing Thailand is never ceases to amaze?
  6. Not defending them, just attempting to ascertain the actual facts. They got arrested anyway, but then what happened? Again a seemingly 'black hole' of information!
  7. Quite so, is they just said we are not paying and walked off, fair enough! Had the guys been sitting there foe some time, when the were asked for money???
  8. If you are male then.................NORMAL
  9. Theoretically you are correct, but In Thailand, strange things can and do happen?
  10. Yes indeed, the sentence: " articulated a desire for a swift resolution, urging authorities to bolster security in frequented tourist areas to deter future incidents of a similar nature" Seems very strange?
  11. Agreed, but maybe some or most of the people actually want Thaksin back?
  12. So the obvious question is if this had happened and she was an ordinary person, as opposed to an 'actress' would this be in the news? This kind of thing happens everyday somewhere, stuff getting stolen from bags, it used to be very common in Thailand at one time.
  13. Agreed, but you may remember the foreign guy who allegedly stole a pair of spectacles from a store a few days ago and the female owner put his picture on her social media, Instagram I think? Even if he did steal them could he claim defamation? Or is it only for Thais?
  14. Whilst you are correct, surely there must some kind of safety mechanism that prevents the doors opening if the elevator is not there? Was there? was it faulty?The article doesn't seem to mention what actually happened!
  15. So is all sounds about normal??
  16. True vegans consider most things as junk food! such as any meat, eggs or dairy?
  17. "Justice Minister Defends Thaksin Over Prolonged Stay Outside Prison" Justice Minister, isn't that a contradiction in terms?
  18. That comment could apply to anyone, not tourists or expats!
  19. "Thai Tourism Minister Unveils 2023 Foreign Tourist Figures" What exactly counts as a 'tourist' according to the figures?
  20. You are insulting animals, they are lower than animals, maybe amoeba?
  21. Correct, even Xi, admits the economy in Chins is not doing well!
  22. So this Danish guy has been in custody/prison for a month for allegedly stealing a bag? He said he was sick at the airport so when he was arrested surely he should have been flown by helicopter to the police hospital, instead of languishing in prison, there is a precedent for this??
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