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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. What was she thinking, inviting a stranger back to her place?
  2. Did you miss our Russia?
  3. Quite so and why does it take 6 officers to arrest one guy, complete overkill?
  4. So YES is the answer to both??😇
  5. Agree its flexible, but if you go to the very North of Scotland, you may think differently?🤣
  6. Yes you still need to go the Trendy Building in Bangkok. Or you could use an agent if you don't want to make the trek. I had my application delivered to VFS, Trendy Building, on Oct 4th it was sent off the same day to HMPO and I received an email on 18th that it was ready to be collected, so the turn around time for a renewal was 2 weeks, which is a huge improvement!
  7. Would you care to elucidate?
  8. Yes I amended my post, Putin is only 5' 7''
  9. Maybe but it just shows how tall the Thai PM is? Or just how small Putin is?🤣
  10. How many times have the RTP tried to stop Ladyboy sex workers near the beach? Obviously it hasn't worked?
  11. So they actually want to fight for their country, shows class? whilst other nationalities hide in Thailand?
  12. Right that's around $4,500 USD per day? She is in intensive care, but still that is very high?
  13. And now the USA are sending a second aircraft carrier, things could get worse, if that's possible?
  14. I believe it has been put on hold! I read that Qatar has frozen it. The money was being released from South Korea to Qatar. Why some other people can't answer a simple question is very odd?
  15. In 'normal' countries this would be a fine, only in LOS would anyone get 50 years, just proves the judiciary are a joke!
  16. Don't understand what you mean? The 3 years I lived and worked there, I found the local girls to be very warm, funny and friendly, the fact they can all speak pretty good English is a plus. They were not just after money like Thai girls!
  17. I may be wrong but didn't the UK Government designate Hamas as terrorists? If so it is illegal to support terrorism? "It is a criminal offence to belong to or invite support for a proscribed organisation or wear clothing which could be seen to support the group" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59346441
  18. Surely if the online stores were overseas, the firearms and ammo would need to come thru customs?
  19. "Muppets", sounds like someone rattled your cage? The forum is for members to post comments on any article they wish, Surely as long s they abide the rules of the forum they can post anything, complaints included?
  20. Correct a 'tourist' would be a person on a 'tourist visa', who comes to Thailand for a few weeks for pleasure and leaves. A person who 'lives' in Thailand is certainly not a tourist! However it seems all foreigners will be paying the 'Tourist Levy' ?
  21. ". Authorities seized some 300,000 baht cash and many gambling machines. " So what happens to the cash, I wonder?
  22. I am in Pattaya and believe me its certainly is NOT full of foreigners! Went to Central Festival Pattaya a couple of days ago and it was almost deserted, saw a few Indians in a group, but very quiet. What will happen in December, high season, is anyone's guess, but certainly all the hotels will not be full and obtaining a rental car will not be a problem. I have a feeling you are feeling you are being told lies by some wishful thinkers?
  23. I agree, but maybe you are being too polite?????
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