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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Absolutely spot on!! Other countries have extremely strict gun control laws, but criminals can always get them!
  2. Aren't the police supposed to do something to stop this? Should be fairly easy even for the RTP, set up a few roadblocks and seize the bikes? Or is too much like hard work, or perhaps there's no money in it, who knows?
  3. Well at least it should make TAT happy?????
  4. So why mention Jimmy Saville at all?
  5. The problem is that the media have seemingly already decided his guilt? Having watched the documentary I would sat this guy is obnoxious, arrogant, narcissistic and not talented, just my opinion, but everyone deserves due process. The 4 women in question who accused him of rape, assault etc did so after over 10 years? None of them had filed a police report at the time? As yet no charges have been filed, but social media has him in prison already?
  6. Will they be required to show 20,000 baht cash or equivalent I wonder, at immigration?
  7. As other posters have mentioned he was on the list, briefly, but magically removed?
  8. Makes perfect sense. Airlines weigh checked baggage, if you are over the limit, you need to pay excess? They should weigh all passengers, if you are over the average, whatever that airline deems it to be, you pay excess?
  9. Or maybe can't doesn't want the hassle, which sometimes happens?
  10. Quite so. The problem is each Immigration Office seemingly has its own rules, even immigration officers at the same office have different rules, its no wonder some folks use agents? Another post today about transferring visas or permission to stay to a new passport, which again should be a very easy process, but from the comments it proves not to be the case?
  11. My initial comment was: "Were they in fact 'women'?" I didn't say they were not women, I was asking a question! However these articles sometimes are not entirely accurate? What is a women?
  12. From the article" "A Thai man physically assaulted two transwomen at a theatre in a shopping mall in Chon Buri after the two asked him to stop talking while watching a movie."
  13. Do you have proof they were? ????
  14. Over reaction perhaps, he only kissed her, OK he should have thought a bad idea, but maybe he got up in the moment?
  15. So you have hard evidence to support your statement?
  16. That's if you are lucky! From the Guardian: "Access to showering facilities is often extremely limited; in one facility, inmates are allowed to stand under a shower only for the time it takes a prison guard to count up to 15. In the centre of a cell there are typically one to three squat toilets, with a tub of water and a bowl used for flushing and cleaning – but often such water has run out, the FIDH report found. Cells can be shared by as many as 50 or 60 people, according to the group Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR)."
  17. You are missing the point! In my home country, or I suspect your home country, there are not enough 'Thai's' (spelt correctly) to justify the spelling of anything in Thai, in a convenience store.????
  18. Shouldn't the headline be: 'Chinese' Foreigners Laud Free Thai Visa Policy for Chinese tourists
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