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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Yes indeed, its a very short sighted approach, although I am sure there are many 'good' tourists from Russia, there will always be criminals, this applies to all countries of course, but Thailand does seem hell bent on encouraging Russians and Chinese, followed by Indians! Its a case of we want the money now, we will sort out the problems later!
  2. "Thailand anticipates record 2.2 million Russian tourists in 2024' Are they still dodging the draft?
  3. Whilst many have criticized this for mocking the Christians, that's all that has happened, words flying around. Can you imagine if they had mocked Islam, instead of words flying around, it would have been bullets. Remember Charlie Hebdo and the cartoons and what happened?
  4. I totally disagree. After just been attacked by this guy and his accomplice, also having 2 female officers attacked very viciously, i am sure he was cool calm and collected???sarcasm. I am sure adrenaline was flowing and he had to control himself, which I believe he did. In an airport attacking police could be construed as terrorism.
  5. Totally agree, I just can't imagine what went thru the thugs heads, Attacking an armed police officer in an airport, knowing he could not possibly win! Viciously punching a female officer multiple times! They deserve 5 years in prison. Just imagine if the perp had managed to get the gun?Unbelievable!
  6. Did you watch the video leading up to the kick? The thug in blue viciously attacked at least one female officer and broke her nose, all three cops had to go hospital! The cop showed amazing restraint, considering he was armed!
  7. Thanks, at the time I wrote my comment, I don't believe this video was available. After watching it I am amazed the cop showed so much restraint in only kicking the guy after he had attacked at least one female officer so viciously, lucky for the thug he didn't shoot him!
  8. Now after seeing more video from the altercation, the cop deserves a medal and promotion!
  9. Of course it matters, having now see what actually did happen, I can totally understand why the cop did what he did!
  10. After watching this new evidence, I can totally understand why the cop stomped on the perps head. The perp had hit a female officer in the face repeatedly and resulted in a broken nose. The cop may have gone a bit too far, but in hindsight after reviewing the video , the guy on the floor deserved it! Fortunately the cop did not use his firearm, That would have been a bad decision!
  11. Maybe if you had said that in the first place??????
  12. Absolutely correct, but unfortunately, especially for the 'younger' generation they always put these issues on 'their' social media thinking it will attract more attention and clicks, as in this case!
  13. They need to be given a long custodial sentence to deter others!
  14. Yes, do what the cops says and sort it out later in court.
  15. I agree there is no reason at any time for cops to kick anyone in the head, but we are being told only half a story here, as usual the media want to sell their side of what happened. I am not wrong in saying we need to see all the evidence, as the three cops ended up in hospital one with a broken nose.
  16. It would help if the body cam evidence, from the police and Airport cctv footage was shown. All we have it seems is someone's smartphone video showing the altercation at the end, not how or what started it?
  17. Correct, but as always with the Thai Government and TAT, they only think short term and about the money!
  18. "My guess is that he will bow out as she would dissect him like a corner at an autopsy, with her additional 50 IQ points over the man." Love the sarcasm..good one!..
  19. "Over nearly 30 years, Choudary lived off benefits while advocating for violent jihad and promoting the establishment of an Islamic state in Britain." So for 30 years he has been living off the UK taxpayer, whilst preaching jihad/terrorism. Now surely the UK Government didn't see the problem?? I men c'mon 30 tears?
  20. Well, after the utter incompetence shown by her staff, and she did say..'the buck stops here', plus the grilling she had in the 'house' she really had no choice.
  21. So more good news, hopefully it will reach others a lesson!
  22. Quite so, and now the Secret service are complaining that.....here is the headline.. "Secret Service says it's appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting" https://www.yahoo.com/news/secret-says-appalled-dei-rhetoric-030134758.html REALLY, shouldn't the SS be more concerned how they let Trump get shot, allowed a shooter on an unguarded roof, 150 yards away? No they are more concerned about the feelings of some incompetent women!
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