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Shoeless Joe

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Posts posted by Shoeless Joe

  1. 10 minutes ago, baansgr said:

    Forget the deposit, turn all the electrics and water on, put fresh prawns in as many hiding places you can and have a good flight home.?


    And if you are feeling really naughty, a bag of ready mixed cement down all the pipes and toilet.

    I'm not sure you're getting too much useful advice from some of the seemingly lobotomised TV "experts". Nothing to be lost by asking your landlord when it will be convenient to visit him and collect your deposit. If that fails then yes, a conversation with the Tourist police might prove worthwhile.


    Good luck,





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  2. 7 hours ago, Thailand said:

    The "line sitter" had arrived in the queue at 8pm yesterday evening, yes that is correct.

    Well that would be correct according to the "line sitter", because I'm thinking neither you nor your friend were there to check the "line sitters" arrival time. Is there any real evidence that was the case, apart from the usual "he said, she said" etc? Does anyone else think this might be a "line sitter" scam?






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  3. Meanwhile...back to Ragu at Promenada and the poor service. I've been back during the last few days and sad to say,  not much has changed. Walked in around noon, immediately presented with menu and then left alone for 10 minutes while the waiting staff studiously avoided any eye contact. Eventually they could ignore me no more and took my order for tomato soup with garlic bread and some bottled water. The soup arrived and was tepid at best and remarkably tasteless too and the garlic bread was stale. Not wishing to prolong the "lunchtime experience", I ate quickly and left. There was one other customer at the time, maybe 4 waiting staff and 2 cooks. All in all I'd give it 3/10 and 2 of those marks are because it was spotlessly clean.





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  4. 21 hours ago, millwall_fan said:

    Thin pickings for Sunday lunch compared with a few years ago. I'm looking to go out for a Western lunch tomorrow. Doesn't have to be Roast Beef but most of the French places seem to close on a Sunday. Yummy is too far out of town. any recommendations for Western places in town?


    London to Chiang Mai is circa 5500 miles - Yummy is maybe 10 miles? :cheesy:



  5. Well it does seem that being a friend or acquaintance of "David"  requires the Duke / Ragu / River Market brigade to immediately leap to "his" defence whenever a less-than-positive review is posted about one of his establishments.





  6. On 7/25/2018 at 12:01 AM, simoh1490 said:

    If you can't afford to eat at Dukes/Rago, say so, don't waffle and make up pathetic excuses!

    There you go again, making unsubstantiated assumptions. Where in his post did he say he couldn't afford to eat there?



  7. 2 hours ago, HungDonger said:

    "Interesting you focus on a minor thing" (the inability of the staff to speak fluent English).

     If you found it a 'minor thing' why did you write 150 words+ about it in your original post ?

    It may have been a "minor thing" but whatever, important enough for you to count the words!!?? :cheesy:

  8. 1 hour ago, chingmai331 said:

    I wonder how Joe knew his wife spoke 'faultless' Thai?  He apparently does not so i guess she told him of her 'perfection'.  Perfectly normal!

    But i digress. 


    I have noticed in many foods shops that western style service and environmental qualities are very lacking; broken chairs, dirty floors, poor service, etc. I presume all this due to the superstitions that the minor spirits that run life dictate the success or failure of the venture.  The efforts of the owner and staff make little difference, so why care?

    "I wonder how Joe knew his wife spoke 'faultless' Thai?" 

    Hmm, yep ya got me:clap2: wow, that's a tough one. No wait! I DO know...it's because she's Thai (and perfect)!


    But I digress - I'm curious to know why you think your comment below is in any way relevant to the original post (which maybe you might not have read, or fully understood?)

    "I have noticed in many foods shops that western style service and environmental qualities are very lacking; broken chairs, dirty floors, poor service, etc. I presume all this due to the superstitions that the minor spirits that run life dictate the success or failure of the venture.  The efforts of the owner and staff make little difference, so why care?"






  9. Ah and as usual, rather than comment on the review of quality of the food or the service,  there's an attack on the OP for telling of his experience, by claiming (for no reason at all) that his post  "reeks of things anti-Ragu and anti-Dukes". Really? How, Simoh1490 did you jump to that unwarranted conclusion? Can I take a guess that you're a pro-Ragu and Dukes cafe brown-noser?


    I've eaten in Dukes cafe a few times. It's OK, but not exceptional. I've also eaten in Ragu a couple of times. The first time was in the evening the food (when it finally arrived) was OK but only warm  and the staff were slow and largely useless. However, after a passage of time and overlooking the original poor experience we returned one lunchtime when our experience reflected that of the OP, Trujillo. The place was deserted, with the staff congregated around a table with the cooks. Unfortunately (for them and us), we decided we'd stay and eat (despite their attempts to ignore us) and although we ordered only 2 dishes from the menu, they got one of them wrong and this depsite the fact that we ordered the meal (via my Thai wife) in faultless Thai. An attempt to speak to the manager was met by the claim that he / she wasn't there and so, speaking to the "chef" instead he just said the waitress misunderstood! Ragu is in my opinion very much all show and no substance.


    Anyway, I guess if we all liked or disliked the same things, the TV trolls would have nothing to whinge about!





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  10. This is "Junior" my solid-body, electric tenor guitar which was built for me a couple of years ago, here in Chiang Mai. I wouldn't happily recommend any of the luthiers here, it was a year-long process which required a lot of input from me especially regarding the technical requirements and choice of hardware etc. The all-in build cost was approximately 15,000 baht and the hardware, another 10,000 baht. I don't know any retail outlet in Thailand that sells tenor guitars but you might be better off having one imported from the US. If you want more details please feel free to send me a message via Thai Visa and I'll happily respond.







  11. 7 hours ago, TRichards said:

    I'm not "wittering on", I'm keeping the topic going in the hope that more info will be provided on my preferred option, suggestion of an agent who can investigate this for me and find out if there's a problem or not,

    OK, so you're not wittering on, (you just seem to be!).


    1) There is not, as far as I (and others previously posting on this thread) know, any agent (or agency)  that "investigates" a possibly defamatory (probably non-existent) claim by a third party

    2) I'm not insisting you take my advice. I just put it out there as an option for you to have a holiday without worrying.

    3) It's up to you whether or not to take heed of much well-meaning advice from other people scattered throughout this thread. But you insist on asking for more

    4) You should know that if you post on TVF, or any other social media platforms there will be responses. I suggest that if they're not to your taste then YOU need not reply

    5) As a last resort you could employ a Thai private investigator (Google is your friend) to check out your concerns

    6) Last and finally (and as has already been suggested), fly into Thailand for your holiday with copies of all your "evidence", which you can present to both immigration officials and  / or the police should they show any interest whatsoever





  12. 2 hours ago, TRichards said:

    "do nothing about preventing the potential problem occurring"


    Jeez man, there you go again! Be honest with yourself, you don't really want a solution do you? You just want to keep the thread alive by ignoring every positive and helpful response. The potential problem is really just inside your head, so stop wittering on about: false "evidence"; threats of arrest by the police; lawyers and agencies checking on non-existent "blacklists"; the ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend.


    Also, by cherry-picking one sentence from my response you've neatly chosen to ignore what I considered to be, helpful advice in my reply to you, so here it is again:

    "There is of course a stunningly simple answer (which has already been suggested and rejected). It is to forget about holidaying in Thailand and write off the cost. Then take a nice non-stressful restful holiday in another part of the world. OK, so you lose some money but hey, what's that when set against peace of mind?"












  13. I don't know, but the OP's original post and subsequent negative responses; rejecting a plethora of well-meaning, sound advice leads me to question why he seems so determined to try and find a solution to an (as yet) non-existent problem.


    There is of course a stunningly simple answer (which has already been suggested and rejected). It is to forget about holidaying in Thailand and write off the cost. Then take a nice non-stressful restful holiday in another part of the world. OK, so you lose some money but hey, what's that when set against peace of mind?





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  14. 9 hours ago, DrPhibes said:

    We were able to find clarinet reeds in one of the shops at Central Airport Plaza.  The music shops are located on the 3rd floor near Robinsons Dept store.

    Hmm, the Yamaha shop has now gone and I think there are no music shops in Central Airport Plaza. There are however 3 music shops all close to each other (including a Yamaha shop) on the 3rd floor of the Central Festival shopping mall.





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