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Everything posted by Misty

  1. I asked the BoI folks who walked us through receiving the digital work permits how long they'd been at the BoI and where they'd come from. They explained that their employment firm had been contracted to be in the LTR unit to work with the applicants. So outsourcing at this level appears to be happening already. All of the folks at the LTR unit front end whom I've been in contact with have been professional and helpful. They all have spoken excellent English. I'd say this was a successful outsourcing. Perhaps more can follow.
  2. Yes, that's correct. I'm employed by my Thai company - I cancelled my old work, paper work permit to apply for the digital work permit.
  3. Trip report - leaving/re-entering Don Muang airport with the LTR e-visa: Took a short trip to Penang to see friends over the holidays and flew in and out of Don Muang airport. There's no "fast track" lane that I could see but it really didn't matter as there were no lines at the IO desks. Leaving Thailand produced a very short discussion among the IOs about what an "LTR e-visa" is, and then a passport stamp saying "Departed 23 Dec". Nothing was changed to the original "Admitted until 09/11/2027" LTR e-visa stamp. On returning, there was again a short discussion among the IOs. Then a passport stamp that says "Admitted until 25/12/2027". So it seems I'm being admitted on a rolling 5 year basis. Not sure this is the way it is supposed to work, but wasn't going to argue with the IO! (BTW, for those with theories on this sort of thing, she was a woman who smiled as she handed back my passport). Am curious if others who have re-entered with an LTR visa are getting rolling 5 year stamps like this?
  4. Yes, the BoI staff said that the medical certificate was required for issuing the digital work permit. Since there was no section designated to upload it to, I uploaded it to the "Other" category. The BoI staff said I could also have attached it to the WP46 pdf and uploaded it there.
  5. An update on the digital work permit process: I had applied for the LTR visa & Digital work permit on 2 Sep. Although I was able to receive the LTR e-visa in October, the digital work permit issuance was delayed due to IT problems. The BoI reported that IT problems were resolved a week or two ago and my digital work permit application could then move forward. Completing the application progress then took an in person visit to the BoI, and a number of phone calls (mostly the BoI calling me). But the work permit application was eventually finalized last week. Receiving the digital work permit required making an appointment for another in person visit to the BoI. After final approval, the final BoI appointment took a little over an hour to get the digital work permit issued. There are a couple of things for work permit applicants to be aware of: in the case of a 5 year work permit, you pay Bt3000 x 5 years at once. Credit cards and ATM debit cards are accepted, but still no cash. Although you're required to submit a photo as part of the online application, another photo will still be taken at the One Stock Service for the actual work permit. After payment & photo, there was some confusion about receiving the actual work permit - apparently if you use Apple devices you can download use a QR code and download an app. I had no way to do this. So at my request, the BoI provided a paper print out of a copy of the digital work permit which included a QR code. That QR code takes anyone to the online location of the digital work permit. Overall, the BoI staff were really helpful and professional, despite all the IT glitches encountered that required almost step by step intervention. Without going into detail, One Stop Service was less ideal. I am grateful for the BoI's help in getting the job done.
  6. Actually it looks like NASDAQ has significantly outperformed TSLA this year:
  7. Yup! Was at the LTR unit to collect a digital work permit today when this happened..... eventually successful. Will post more later.
  8. They don't seem to have a policy specifically for LTR, just "long term visa", however as you note the deductibles can be quite high, making the premium pretty low. So just another option for anyone who may need it.
  9. The plot thickens.... "Head of AMLO resigns after triad allegation" https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40023258
  10. I don't know if that policy would be eligible, but another poster on this thread, I think it may have been @JimGant suggested purchasing an LMG insurance policy as an affordable option. It looks like LMG has a policy called "Long Stay VISA Plus Premium Plan " where you can keep the premium low by choosing a high deductible. By the policy name my guess is that it's intended to meet the requirements for people applying for Thai visas such as Non OA and LTR. If you need a policy, suggest giving LMG a call and asking about it.
  11. Unfortunately I don't know about this.
  12. I had a pleasant trip to the BoI office at Chamchuri Square today. My first visit, and it really was a contrast to recent years experiences at CW. What I learned: * Regarding stamps in passports, LTR e-visa holders do not get or need any additional re-entry stamps. The LTR e-visa itself (digital pdf and/or print-out) is the equivalent to a stamp in the passport. On the LTR e-visa, it clearly says "multiple entry" and apparently that is all that is needed. The BoI staff suggested I keep a copy folded up in my passport when I travel internationally. The first test for me will be going to Malaysia through Don Muang airport. * Regarding my digital work permit application, the glitches and bugs have been sort out, or at least partially. Apparently the problems mainly are for those of us who applied for the LTR program in Sep. BoI says anyone applying now should be able to get a combined LTR visa/digital work permit fairly quickly. However, the BoI staff were very helpful in sorting out the remaining problems while I was at their office. I brought a laptop and all the digital documents with me, they had some of the IT staff check as I uploaded documents and make changes or suggestions as needed. In the end I think we were successful in submitting everything and I should hear back within a day or two. But given the bugs that remain, I don't think this could have been done in a phone call.
  13. Hadn't really noticed either way
  14. Looks like Elon Musk could use business advice from someone. TSLA 52 Week Range 150.04 - 402.67....
  15. Not sure if it's just greed. Purchase of these types of assets are a couple of the classic ways to launder ill-gotten gains. Thai banks and financial institutions fall under AMLO oversight, and have reporting requirements that are enforced now. The true ownership of property can be obfuscated, can cars can be easily moved around.
  16. Thanks @aublumberg, good to know that you've been back and forth a couple of times with at most a 15 min wait. One difference is that you do have the sticker from the HK consulate in your passport. For the LTR e-visa, all I have is a paper print-out. So there's nothing in my passport except for the small entry stamp. I could always carry the print-out folded up in my passport, but for expediency/clarity will see if there's some official looking stamp the BoI can put in the passport as well.
  17. Interesting....all I have is a small "Admitted 11 Nov 2022 Until 09/11/2027" with hand written "LTR-X" visa type, and "E-visa". Takes up very little space - I kind of liked that my passport pages wouldn't be filled with all the annual large stamps. Will show this to the BoI when I go and see what they think. It seems unlikely I'd be refused re-entry - the LTR e-visa print out is clear that the visa is good for 10 years, But the last thing travelers need is additional hassle and time wasted at the IO desk. If additional stamps, bells and whistles help avoid that then I'm all for it.
  18. That’s how I was looking at it. It sounds like Ltd holders who received theirs in Bangkok also got some kind of re entry stamp. since I’m already planning to go to the BoI to check on digital work permits, will ask about this as well.
  19. Thanks, I'll definitely ask about it. Didn't occur to me that this might be needed.
  20. Hi @aublumberg a question for you as I recall you have the LTR visa from Hong Kong and have since traveled to and from Thailand. Just wondering what stamps you received when you crossed in and out of Thailand? And have you come back into Thailand again? The reason I ask is that I have an LTR e-visa and received an entry stamp when I arrived in Thailand in November. It says I have permission to stay for 5 years. But that's the only thing in my passport, and to be honest it's not very grand looking. I'm planning a short international trip in a week from Don Muang. Not sure what to expect at the airport on either end of the trip. Will bring a separate print out of the LTR e-visa in case there are questions.
  21. Yes, the digital work permit application is still not working unfortunately. Although the BoI has said I don't actually need a work permit to work (the LTR visa covers that), it seems to be required for other transactions in Thailand.
  22. That's good news, it's good to hear the BoI can help in this way!
  23. Okay, it's just that the pop-up looks like the Visa Type in the screenshot is for "Wealthy Pensioner" , not the Visa Type "Application For Qualification Endorsement For Dependent" . Not sure what's going on there, but hopefully the BoI can help you out.
  24. Not sure what is happening with your account in the above screens, but in terms of getting an LTR-O visa for your dependent, have you already started a brand new, separate account for them? You'd be creating an entirely different login and LTR-O application. It would not be inside your account.
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