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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. What's worse is that investors believed him.. without checking? Shameful
  2. Sad comment under the circumstances.
  3. Adults shouldn't have sex with other peoples wives... especially in Thailand where usually it doesn't end well.
  4. Info the young lad should have known... or the cheating wife should have divulged. Sounds like she's as dangerous as the hubby.
  5. They have a different system to most countries in the west.. In my country of birth we had a local clinic to which you were registered, that was your first point of contact with a doctor, if they thought you needed hospital treatment then the made the appropriate appointment for you. Hospital visit was for emergencies only.
  6. How does that go un-noticed?
  7. Sometimes you do get what you ask for.
  8. I hope that's not the shallow end?
  9. Why not follow them to the destination and get the customer too, or is that difficult?
  10. Is Siam Bioscience still manufacturing Astrazeneca?
  11. The vast majority of Chinese investors have money and life savings tied up in property as they didn't trust the banks. They've caught a severe cold as the developers were playing with fire and promises of properties have not been built but monies handed over and lost.. China will keep Chinese at home and not allow cash to leave the country.
  12. She led by example.. and had a huge sense of duty... I for one am sorry she has gone, the last of her kind.
  13. Not smiling anymore in the op photo
  14. Nah, they can't afford internet.
  15. Usual out of control pick-up trying to get somewhere at the speed of sound.
  16. Off to the pokey... no more drugs.
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