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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Manslaughter and attempted manslaughter I hope time to get these people off the road.
  2. Food delivery staff, including those services delivering parcels often call first to check someone is home for collection. Pick-up, if it's automated just hang-up.
  3. Sickening, and I hope they get the gezzer that did this too. [It wasn't me]....
  4. If you ask it nicely I'm sure it would oblige. ????
  5. Joy to the tourists who are going to be wondering what's going on.
  6. The usual middlemen trying to make some fast money out of an event. Given access to tickets on a large scale early on to sell for a nice mark-up. Yet with less takers than envisaged they were trying to sell at any price to recoup some losses. How did this happen... easy it always does.
  7. I don't know, they never miss a power pole or two... or more on a good day.
  8. When it rains in or upstream of these places you need to get to higher ground quickly... check the forecast before venturing to flash flood prone locations.
  9. Again bad news for those on the lower end of the scale and not even a thought from the elite.
  10. Now he's got some real explaining to do...
  11. Ask other countries to invest in Thailand...
  12. Only been in office a short time, but he has shown that he means to do something for Bangkok and not sit on his rear in the office. Also his team have to show results, or they won't be around for long.
  13. In my neck of the woods the schools are staying open but many entire classes are being sent home for 10 day isolation if students test positive.
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