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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Personally I think they should think of a third airport to take the strain off infrastructure in Bangkok. Maybe one west of Bangkok which could serve as a gateway north south east and west.
  2. Not saying he could keep all the people happy all the time, no leader has ever achieved that. But he got more right than wrong, and served his term to the best of his ability.
  3. Instead of the usual manipulation?
  4. This is just one facility, go nationwide and you'll get the true picture....
  5. The government has been indulging in fake news to the public.
  6. All the same mine stays on... freedom of choice, you do what you want.
  7. The country is fully open, the health service is capable of dealing with any situation. The 2 month extension is the military regimes way of dealing with others. This has nothing to do with Covid anymore.
  8. The government should keep it's nose out of the business. Hoteliers know their locality, with associated attractions, let them set a competitive price.
  9. Drugged up or drunk or just not paying attention.. same result when playing on the tracks
  10. While one truck turns up and throws everything in the back.
  11. Across the road from me a child was sent home from school along with her entire class as 18 out of 30 had tested positive. She gave it to her granny [aged 58] who developed symptoms, she then got a lung infection and was moved to hospital passed away after 3 days. Is it worth the panic... for some no, for some yes.
  12. Mine never came off... self preservation.
  13. That figure is at least one decimal point out of place, and then some more. During the height of Delta max figures suggested around 20,000-25,000 daily infections. At that time around me I only knew a handful of people infected. Now I am surrounded by people who have it, in fact it's easier to count those that haven't had/got it.
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