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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I got that impression too... cut corporate taxes and increase VAT... hit the poor and working classes who watch every baht
  2. I have a Win taxi friend, earns cash only daily. I asked him how much tax does he have to pay? His reply: 7% every time I buy something.
  3. Such violence for a Buddhist loving country ?
  4. Big spenders aren't looking for trash...
  5. Paint Pattaya walking street and Bangla road red so it looks like a red carpet?
  6. Something every parent should do without exception... but that's not the Thai way. Free gifts are welcome.
  7. The only Christmas spirit they need to worry about is the liquid variety consumed before driving
  8. So Malaysia doesn't have someone capable of doing the job?
  9. Bastard.... it was an accident why flee, call the emergency services and wait. Now you're in deep sh#t, now's the time to panic
  10. And what happened to the employer?
  11. Washing the dirt off to see if it had a makers mark
  12. Same traffic jams more illegal dumping.... great
  13. I can remember the days when they were 40kg wringing wet.... those days have obviously gone.
  14. In name only.. father has the power
  15. Apparently he dined after parking his SUV... returning to it after visiting the restaurant
  16. The easy changes they can do now, miracles take longer

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