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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Indeed... as the quote goes "over-priced and over-here"
  2. You are so correct.... remove the hurdles and let them in easily to work.
  3. Inform the hospital to send the bill to the temple. Not force the relatives to get a loan from a shark
  4. Time Thailand was put at the highest level on the list of human trafficking.... shame on Thailand
  5. News flash.... they're not friends.
  6. Kick her out... ohhhh, you are both getting kicked out. Best find separate accommodation, she's a rotten egg.
  7. Yes all of the above, including dubious working conditions...
  8. Noticed it... couldn't bleedin miss-it
  9. I wonder if she pulled out in front of him without looking?
  10. A rebate? Why not just negotiate a fair price to start with?
  11. Promise the earth, give nothing and get away with it....
  12. Working class people are largely broke, inflation would cause more harm than good
  13. They learn the hard way... when it goes wrong
  14. 360 degrees to choose from and you got it wrong
  15. Give him a first place on one of those restraining tables and inject the bastard

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