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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I've used many baht buses in HH, always worked well for me.
  2. America took it's eye off the ball by spending it's time fighting in the middle east instead of spending that money sewing up the far east.
  3. Last time I was in HH a Tuk-tuk quoted me 200 baht for a very short journey.. I hopped on the local baht bus, cost 25 baht for the trip.
  4. Thailand thinks foreigners have an endless supply of money, the streets are paved with gold and babies are given premium debit cards from birth, so a holiday is still on the agenda... just come and bail-out Thailand.
  5. Yes they do, and very convenient.
  6. Or a backlash from closing down a certain free view site?
  7. Bringing happiness to the people.
  8. Sounds riveting...
  9. High income bosses, low income workers.
  10. With the help of other nations... Prayut can't develop anything on his own.
  11. Scraping by is a good analogy for most workers. While the billionaires are doing well.
  12. Noticed Sunday the wind had swung back from the north... still got up to 25C in my area.
  13. Unfinished policies.... speaks volumes.
  14. Chinas master plan to rule the world.
  15. Why just infectious waste, what about the tons of stinking daily waste that lines every street. Thailand doesn't manage waste, it buries it like everything else.
  16. Searched for.... but not arrived in the same numbers.

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