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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. A guy opposite me when I had my shot did just that. the needle went in and he keeled over sideways.
  2. Brake aggressively.... that would mean stopping, didn't see much evidence of stopping in the video?
  3. Lock the blighters in for 14 days, with a plastic container of food and a bottle of water each, left outside the door. Same as the poor guy near me is getting in home isolation.
  4. Ohhh the horror, shock and shame. The peasant affliction has breached the inner sanctum.
  5. So why have they been waiting 12 months for a vaccination?
  6. Rough around the edges but sweet inside?????
  7. A bag of rice and 1,000 baht... if you remember me at the ballot box.
  8. I wonder what she thinks of you when she's browsing the veg section...????
  9. I first knocked it and enjoyed it, and been knocking it for the last 50 + years. My ole man said if it ain't broke don't try to fix it... he was smart.
  10. Desperation for some, owing money for a gambling debt, but where did she get or borrow the money to lose the 50,000, or was that online credit too?
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