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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I look 10X both ways before crossing the road... hope to be okay for a long time.????
  2. I have the same, local Big C sold it for 200 baht per 1kg bag.
  3. But we were ready to open... honestly. I wonder how much this is costing the local authority to treat the local patients?
  4. I thinks it's more of not allowing a bar to sell a bag of crisps as a meal and sell alcohol. I have no issue with a bonifide restaurant selling a drink, as long as you have a full meal on the table. When the meal is finished so is your drink. Every restaurant would abide by that.
  5. There's a fine line between being flexible and not knowing what you're doing.
  6. For a moment I thought that was a stammer trying to use another word.
  7. Don't knock-it, it's saving the nation. 10 per day spending thousands of baht to help re-float the nation
  8. Some sense at last, Phuket boasted at being ready, we can all see that was far from the truth. Hua Hin does not want to do the same. High profile figures are sending a message to Phipat to back-off with his grand ideas.
  9. But it's Phipats dream... at least someone in the industry knows what is really needed. Domestic tourism with vaccinated customers... Not pie in the sky international prisoners.
  10. Agreed, they don't 30%-40% of auctioned confiscations like another force. They have to get their bonus cut another way.
  11. Great news, I hope the child has a good recovery from the experience, and the guardians take their responsibilities a bit more seriously.
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