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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. You're probably close to the truth, 8-10 million unemployed with only 1.96% getting social welfare benefits which is where their figure comes from.
  2. I'm in a dark red zone bordering Bangkok... got my jab Tuesday.... only two choices, Astra if you are over 60 or have complications Sinovac for all the rest. I guess Pfizer hasn't arrived yet.
  3. His strategy was to do it on the cheap.... he sold Thai's down the road for a cost saving exercise. Now it's costing billions and lives. He should pack-up an move out in embarrassment.
  4. 6.69 million is roughly 10% of the population... but the government says only 2% are unemployed? Hmmm.
  5. Thaksin is not the answer to Thailands woes, bringing him back just re-writes history. Thailand needs something or someone new and enterprising, not another large family monopoly.
  6. Set up a DR's site where they can register what they've received, and see if it adds up to the donation figure? Asking Anutin is futile, add up what's been delivered to the health care and then ask where are the missing doses.
  7. I hope it's a substantial yacht, the ocean around NZ is a bit unforgiving.
  8. There is a stipulation that they would cover it, but good luck proving it.
  9. Indoctrination hasn't been affected by Covid it seems.
  10. Hi-so go to hospital for their jabs... how ungodly. I bet they get a home service along with other influential people.
  11. No morning walk to get their morning supplies.
  12. Prove that people can play by the rules first... then ask for things to be eased.
  13. Start coming down hard on these party goers... families or friends I don't care... heavy fines, suspended sentences with community care helping the Covid sick in quarantine Maybe they will see what happens when people are infected.
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