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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Water has a habit of running downhill to the lowest point... that's where a bl**dy great drain should be located to take it away somewhere it can't do any harm. And on the way lots of larger drains so flooding can't take place.
  2. Once the vaccinations have taken figures past 80% of the population I would agree.
  3. I am sure an office has the ability to allow you to pick-up the next day if requested, but if you can't sit and wait 2-3 hours is the 260 km round trip a 2nd time not worse?
  4. I had a couple of Flu jabs as a teen, local doctor pushed them, since then never had a jab and never had flu 40+ years since the last jab..
  5. Phuket is fast turning into a nightmare for some... tourist must be wondering what they came for.
  6. The date was set for yesterday and results will be out tomorrow. ????
  7. Yesterday the government said 143,000 children have been infected with Covid. I think everyone has the right to a vaccine, alas the governments poor programme has deemed that not possible.
  8. The issue is not enough vaccines... they like to say they are targeting specific groups so it looks like they are doing something. Just like opening apps for people to register, and then the app surprisingly fails.
  9. One way of getting the daily figures down, seems to be working in the rest of the deep red zones.
  10. Yet they say no sensitive material was released, the post contains a lot of conflicting statements??
  11. Cheap rubbish from the mother land is hard to beat.
  12. Should be... but we all know how it rolls in Thailand.
  13. Thailand has no laws to protect victims of the above crimes.. really ? Or just not the backbone to enforce them against influential persons.
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