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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 13 hours ago, Toronto said:

    It appears that this country and it's inhabitants are becoming increasingly violent. I'm sure it's not my imagination. 

    I tend to disagree with your observation:
    I believe the Thais males/females have always been violent, observations have taught me that when they snap it's like lighting the blue touch paper, sit back and watch them go up like a rocket.
    The only difference now is that with mobile phones & social media it's being captured & posted where as before it was going undetected!

  2. 2 hours ago, davidill said:

    This is obviously a "free standing" tower crane. It would have been interesting to have inspected it prior to anyone touching it. A couple of things in the photo look strange. RIP to the unfortunate workers. Condolences to their families.

    Everything on a Thai building site looks strange !!!!!!

  3. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    Yep, even where I am I rarely see a traffic cop, and there are zillions of them...So, where are they, why isn't there commanding officers giving out tasks daily to the troops...


    Any idiot can see folk will do what they like if there is no officialdom loitering out there to nab 'em.....

    Because they're all out collecting bribes from all their business connections...

  4. 7 hours ago, Cuchulainn said:


    In 1,000 notes, well yes!!! :thumbsup:

    Yep just another angry Thai venting their anger in the only way they know how... fists & feet
    By the way I noticed something lost in translation.. 1minute 20 seconds into the video

    check-out the translation on the door.. what's an "Inwuiry officer"?

    the kid can't count but his excuse is he was only 5.. what's the grown up officers excuse for not being able to spell?

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