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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 1 hour ago, maoro2013 said:

    That was a lot of passengers for that little car.

    I was just thinking the same, 8 killed plus 4 injured... that makes 12 passengers in the van??

    I'm only guessing but if the van has 3 rows of seats it should be a maximum of 8 passengers??


    Presuming the truck driver was alone.

  2. I have two friends both young female student teachers aged 22 & 23 working as interns in different schools.

    Both site the children's behaviour as their worst problem during the day.
    Both say they are not allowed to chastise or discipline the children or notify the parents of bad behaviour..

    The head teacher & principals reasons are that they will grow out of it! 

    Both have said to me that they entered the teaching profession hoping to make a change but are held back by the older generation saying the kids must be left alone to do as they please.

    Both have said they are actively looking for other work & no-longer wish to be in the education system even to finish their internships!!

  3. 4 minutes ago, Arandora said:

    I didn't say I did not agree with dual pricing in Thailand, merely that is us not racial discrimination. 

    I agree that the current rates are too high for visitor families with children but it could be argued that on an income basis they are high for a local family with children. 

    The perfect solution for visitors? Free to all. Now, who pays and how? 

    Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.

    As they charge extra for all foreigners ie non-Thais then this is a form of racism/discrimination

  4. 21 minutes ago, Arandora said:

    It is not racial discrimination. It is discrimination between Thai nationals, visitors and non-Thai residents irrespective of race, colour or creed. 

    It is dual pricing and exists in different forms in many countries. I'm a UK pensioner on a decent pension, more than those less fortunate than me (and there are millions in the U.K. Workforce) who earn less in full time employment. Yet I can get discounts on attractions, entry fees, buses (even free on some!) compared to UK residents and visitors. 

    However, the dual pricing system has in the past been used corruptly and its current application is tainted with that reputation. 

    Solution? Not me. I avoid on principle and use my Thai Driving Licence where I swallow my principles! ?

    Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.

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