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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Naval officers and lots of seamen... what could go wrong
  2. I wonder what the missus had to say about all this... "he just pooped round for coffee and a chat" ?
  3. One wonders why he isn't somewhere a tad more secure?
  4. Scratches and paint damage on a rented jet-ski is not real evidence... but hey.. TiT
  5. The high life has abruptly ended.
  6. For sure... a secured position to do Thaksins biding
  7. Should stick to boats and Song Thaews
  8. Just say... mandatory one year in prison for DUI.... end of.
  9. Please don't DUI again.
  10. Must be fake news.... I've heard otherwise.
  11. Speed is of the essence to nip these people in the bud
  12. I'm not talking about them, I'm highlighting the cartels that will take root, pushing drugs to increase the suffering, the rapists who now roam free, Isis, Al Qaeda and Taliban who have cells in USA ready to cause mayhem soon... And no... I didn't get that from Fox
  13. Transfer her land deeds to the children?
  14. So his time is over and no need for promotion.
  15. Abused by family members and then betrayed by her father... disgusting.

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